Tourist, Ryumaru, jams0988, Mr. Beast, jams0988 : Ok guys, I should have cleared things out from the beginning, I was kind of not specific, so you served me right

I am using a ref. pic to draw this sprite, so this character isn't designed by me , I really do not know what her exact function is, but at least she looks like an assassin to me.( she has something to do with fighting and killing).
This sprite is not playable, it just shows the condition of the 3D playable model. (idle, damaged, searching)
In fact I cannot remove anything from the outfit or change anything in the design, even the wrestling belt as mentioned by tourist.
I am not arguing about the definition of assassin. :S
Tourist, jams0988 : thanks a lot, that helped a lot. I did some changes based on your crits.
Starting over and redrawing the whole thing again would be a hard choice for me. It would take a lot of time. Especially since this is my first time drawing a big sprite like this one.