AuthorTopic: GR#195 - Project Entropy - Gameart, Conceptart  (Read 73813 times)

Offline Ryumaru

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Re: Project Entropy

Reply #70 on: January 02, 2013, 04:06:45 am

Main character sprite has gotten a gender change ( and hopefully better readability) Very early beginnings of a ghost village that will be one of the places to find a green apple for the raven, among other things. cliff face architecture based on dogon villages.


Also, heres an old sprite sheet. Tweaks will have to be made for the gender swap and I think I want to go the smooth metal gear solid route for these animations to push what I can do in such a small space. Will be tough-

« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 09:15:19 am by Ryumaru »

Offline tim

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Re: Project Entropy

Reply #71 on: January 05, 2013, 04:46:43 am
According to me, the previous animation feels too two dimensionnal.
I decided to give it a try :

You can't just move pieces of sprites, you have to distort them if you
make people "feel" the volumes of the muscles, the body, the shapes.
Look at it in slow motion and try to understand the arms perspective,
the head looking up, the rib cage growing as he prepares to smash :

Notice how important is the anticipation before the smash, it adds a lot
of violence into it. But this a very quick wip, a better version + in depth
comments coming tomorrow.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 05:02:19 am by tim »
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Re: Project Entropy

Reply #72 on: August 02, 2013, 09:55:13 am
So it's been a while, I've been working on various odds and ends.

This little fella is a stranded wolf pup for the player to rescue in later playthroughs. Sprites this small are difficult.

a parachute from the earlier cloth. Used for accessing things before the raven cloak is obtainable.

This is a concept for a lotus room, sort of like a hidden firelink shrine that will replenish the main character. This one is part of the natural world, like the mud buildings a couple posts back, different from the glitchy otherworldly realm in black and white. Right now things are a little clashy but will harmonize once I get rid of the npa element and clean some of the tiles up.

any comments are welcome. I'm also posting this for myself as a motivation? tool so that the next may not be months from now!

Offline rikfuzz

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Re: Project Entropy

Reply #73 on: August 02, 2013, 12:01:25 pm
Find this project really exciting - I almost don't want to see too much behind the scenes spoiling the in game discovery, but feel privileged that I can.  :D

Hope you stick to it!

Offline Mr. Fahrenheit

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Re: Project Entropy

Reply #74 on: August 02, 2013, 03:32:33 pm
I too love watching the progress on this. Lots off cool stuff and smart critique. The only thing I can say about your new stuff is that they parachute looks a little out of perspective to me, but I could be wrong, and the lily pad tile has the white dots at the bottom which lets you see the boundary of the tile giving it a really squarish appearance.

Offline rafal345

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Re: Project Entropy

Reply #75 on: August 08, 2013, 10:26:40 am
This is a concept for a lotus room, sort of like a hidden firelink shrine that will replenish the main character. This one is part of the natural world, like the mud buildings a couple posts back, different from the glitchy otherworldly realm in black and white. Right now things are a little clashy but will harmonize once I get rid of the npa element and clean some of the tiles up.
I don't know if this idea can follow the plot, but it would be cool effect when player sees this place getting glitchy and monochrome ;)
Really great project, I can't wait for the next update!

Offline Ryumaru

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Re: Project Entropy

Reply #76 on: August 09, 2013, 09:40:09 am
Rikfuzz: Thanks! I hope I do too! Heh. I'll be sure to keep some of the juicy parts such as the narrative and parts of puzzles and design so you'd guys have something to look forward to incase you guys ever play it.

Mr. Fahrenheit: Will play with the parachute, mostly just drew it out so I'd get the concept down and have something for play testing before committing. I agree about the lili pads, That whole scene has been a lesson in simplicity and I've been finding it's not necessary to always cram little details like shines and reflections just because it's possible.

rafal345: Thank you! :D There will be another lotus room that is much more technical and will feature the monochrome palette and perhaps even the glitchy aesthetic; will try to sketch it up soon :]

Switching gears a tiny bit I'd like to ask your guys' opinion. In the natural world there will be green apples spread across the map that can then be given to the raven in return for special equipment. The Raven has a statue dedicated to it and I'd like the shrine where the apples are placed to be sort of "soft hidden". Which one of the images below do you thing would work better? 1 would feature some very subtle light coming from the sides showing where the player can walk into, and 2 would be under the wing ( with the player able to walk under it and prove there are some places you can go that you can't "see"). I'm a little torn as to which.

Offline rikfuzz

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Re: Project Entropy

Reply #77 on: August 09, 2013, 09:45:18 am
I really like #1 being so imposing, but a profile head is much more readable, can you turn it to the side, like this?

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Re: Project Entropy

Reply #78 on: August 09, 2013, 02:16:25 pm
#1 looks a lot more shrine like then 2. I agree with rikfuzz too.

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Re: Project Entropy

Reply #79 on: August 09, 2013, 02:39:52 pm
#1, for sure. Way more iconic and interesting. And I love the way the head is pointing straight up.

(That pic is drawn on paper, right? Scanned in. What are you using to get the white?)