"(the shoulders do move, BTW)" ---> takes out the shoulder movement I was talking about.
Well, whatever. Either way, it's looking much better now, hahah. Good work. =)
Also, I like your original water more than Facet's....even though Facet's looks nice, I think it clashes a bit with the rest of your set. It might be mostly the color...it looks a bit too bright and saturated to me. I pushed the colors in Facet's edit more towards something like you had in your original water:

*Shrug* I dunno, to me, it feels like it fits better with the tile set's atmosphere. I imagined it as kind of a dark bog/forested area, though, so Facet's edit might be closer to what you want, depending on what you're trying to do with the set. I *still* like your original water the best, though, even with the color changes. Your water just looks so muddy and murky! Plus, your stream is being viewed from a pretty high angle, so I don't think it'd be all that reflective. From what I know, the closer you get to viewing water from a 90 degree angle, the more you can see through it. The lower the angle you view it at, the more reflective it looks. I'm no water/math/physics expert, but I always imagined this is because light hitting water head on at a 90 degree angle has a higher chance of piercing the water (thus, hitting the dirt at the bottom of your stream before bouncing back into your eyes) whereas light hitting the water at steeper angles will ricochet off of it more, making the water look more reflective.
I have no idea if my "science" is correct, but that's how it's always seemed to me, heheh!