I like it, i like it a lot in fact

im enjoying the strandy-ness of the hair right off the bat. the palette is more to a place i think i was originally trying to get (sort of that strong 'poisonous' magenta found throughout). The sleeves, simple and effective. just needed a splash more light. Also i like the pleats in the skirt, takes it from looking boring and flat and gives it a bit more interest. I dont mind my shorter sleeves, but i dont mind your longer ones either. the width on yours is probably more 'right', but i was trying to give it some volume there, but it just winds up looking a bit stubby. The longer, thinner sleeve is more elegant and fits with the character better. Also the slight shadow under the head, when i was playing with it it looked wrong but your interpretation looks very natural. PS helm would probably slay me over my choice of AA style and lack of good cluster usage.
Its sort of interesting to note how pixelling a sprite can lead to different priorities of mindset when im working. on a larger piece ill be very aware of light sources and volumes and getting something fundamentally correct before building ontop of it. Not that this cant or shouldnt be the way one would also pixels, but when it comes to these smaller sprites, i do find myself actually approaching it a bit differently. I definitely wont mind if you feel compelled to make an edit.
Mathias: id not be able to do a large piece justice atm i dont think. If i did, it would just take too long anyway. to be quite honest im not all that proud of her, but she does have an important purpose. One has to start a warm up from somewhere afterall. She is certainly in consideration for a 3/4 perspective, and looking at it here the bottom of the dress can probably be shaped differently to better reflect that. I hope you do see a theme as i continue.