Not leaning as in, his head, but the torso itself seems skewed and throws him off-balance. But seeing how odd his head looks at such an angle, I kinda want to take that back. Either way the sprite's head position looked far better before.
You have some highlights in weird places, like the shoulders, knees and abdominals. The rabbit might be a little too bright.
And @slym; as for the forest colors, I'd go for the bottom one. Top one seems too much like dusk, middle one seems like more of a swamp compared to the last one, which, while being slightly monochromatic, makes skeddles' demon sprite blend in and fit quite well with his surroundings, which suggest more of a forest dimly lit at night (which is what you were going for, correct?) The cooler color scheme is actually more atmospheric. In fact, if I stare at it while thinking about it long enough I can convince myself I'm sort of there.