Alrighty - Here is the official forum smilies thread! Heres how it works...
Everybody pitch in to create some smilies for the forum. The ones the pixelopolis staff likes best will get integrated into the forum. If yours is not chosen, no need to get upset, just ask how it can be fixed. Rules are pretty simple;
1) Try to keep it within a 22 by 22 pixel space. Sure there can be acceptions, but its alot cleaner if they're all uniform
2) Try to keep a limited and constant pallette with the other smilies. (there is already starting to be a problem with this) and yes, there are acceptions to this too, however try not to go overboard. (and please keep in the GIF format so the colours dont shift)
3) Give as much C+C you can to improve all smilies posted. Hopefully all of them can be integrated into the forum
4) dont expect credit to be given whenever somebody posts a smiley once integrated. By posting these here, you are allowing pixelopolis to do with as they please with your piece.
here are the ones already created: (with and without outline + AA)

My compy is reading a 21 colour count which doesn't seem right to me. If somebody wants to help me bring that down a bit, that'd be greatly appriciated.
current contributors:
Indigo, TinyGiant, Larwick, Tremulant, Naso, Akira, Zolthorg, MrMean
get crackin!
UPDATED RULES=============================================
Alright guys - the cutoff date for this project is now June 30th. That gives you guys 15 days to fit in some more smiley pixellin' skillz. After which, as said before, the pixelopolis staff will choose which ones they like best and they will get utilized into the forum. If yours did not get utilized - dont feel too bad, because we will continue to have smiley activities every few months (i'm thinking bi-annually, but it's not exactly set). A mini competition will be held in which anybody can sumbitt a new smiley with their own distinct style, and then we will vote on which style we'd like to use. A new style will be selected and we will start all over once again.
have fun and lets get some more smilies on-board.