Sorry, meant to get back to you on this sooner, I don't want to come across as being ungrateful for your input because I really am.
I'm not sure that I understood what you meant by overshading. I would usually take this to mean excessive bridging between shades like in a bad airbrush job

, obviously the softest edge possible here is four decent contrast steps and I haven't attempted dither or similar but you might say that the values on the top girl and partner are too evenly spaced so as to look a bit like a 'posterise' filter.The lighting is definitely highly mannered but attractive I think.
What was bothering you about the anatomy of pear-man before I posted the skull? I'm afraid the skull was a bad joke, I didn't attempt to keep the lighting or stylistic choices consistent because I thought the idea of his having realistic anatomy was amusing

. Your edit is priceless though, I wish I gone down that route

. Bottom lip intended.
I thought I really ought to do a couple of new portraits in the same restrictions (not Mafia though, apologies to the thread) from scratch since I'm receiving criticism and there's a element of me being a little blind to stuff I've become overly familiar with. I was surprised how much my approach has changed since I did the others. Incremental edits to a couple of the older portraits also.