Version 0.58 now released (sorry about the writing quality as ever!):
v 0.58 - 11th January 2010
+ Fixed bug where loading BMP / PNG images with pixels of value 255 were treated as transparant when using brush tools
+ Made sliders taller and the slider arrow a little bigger
+ Simplified and improved method of increasing or decreasing slider by 1
+ Reorganised effect options, splitting right mouse button modes (paint, erase or eyedropper) into a separate option panel which can be accessed by right clicking on the effects icon
+ Increased the dither patterns to 7
+ Added Erase paint mode as an effect tool as well as a right mouse button paint mode option and usable with a keyboard shortcut (shift is default). Erase mode removes colour under pixel when mouse button is first pressed, i.e. when over white you can erase white pixels with the brush, WITHOUT erasing other colours.
+ Added Stencil options: Stencil on/off, edit stencil (which lets you turn stencilled colour on/off by clicking in the palette area of the usere interface), invert stencil and erase stencil. Stencils are automatically saved and loaded in DPX files as well as in the normal workspace
+ Added 'Remove unused colours in palette' icon functionality in Palette Options. Left clicking on the icon replaces any unused palette entries with pure black. Right clicking on the icon replaces any unused palette entries with the colour in the current right mouse button pen
+ Visual update for the user interface: Slight subtle shading of background panels, now icons are multi-coloured and feature more shading. Icons lose subtle rounded corners on edges. Panels also lose rounded colours and feature top and bottom highlights. Icon highlights are square, and the main font is a little squarer too. Standard sliders gain shading and a more metalic looking slider arrow. The overall effect is for a user interface look which is not so flat as before, with slightly 'harder' looking elements (due to the removal of softening subtle curves)