Thanks a lot to both of you!
Today I being trying ZBrush, watching a looooooooot of tutorials, got a headache, then another one. There's still some things, that I think it should be easy to find in Zbrush. but... I... just... CAN'T! (When I stop editing/sculping and go back to the other -don't remember the name- mode, then I can't return to continue sculping the other "object". I'm always creating a new one from the last one i made and continue sculping it. // Now I'm getting some problems with masks (actually mask related), when I finish creating the mask (which I don't understand why I can make a square selection from outside the object, but not from inside) and want to start sculping, it mades me create a PolyMesh3D, and by doing that i lose the mask)
Enough with the ramble!
So, this is what I got so far:

It's reaaaaally messy. I don't know how should I set the mesh in ZBrush, so that when I import it with Photoshop I don't have to make it bigger.
There where other things, like:
- Lighting: don't know how to set it. The light appears to change when i rotate the model. I know there is a Light option, but it isn't changing anything.
- Exporting Object: when i export this:

I got this in PS (the mesh without the colors, maybe also without the material, I really can't tell, should try with some strange material so I could notice if there's any difference):

So to make it work I put the tiles in a layer on top of that in Color Dodge Mode, and erase everything, except for the elevations.
Ok. So again... thanks a lot for the idea!

Even though I didn't finish with it and it took me the whole day, I'm really happy that I finally give a 3d program some consideration

. The last time I downloaded Blender, I open it, created a sphere, look at it for a while and thought: nah, too complicated.
Tomorrow, I'll try Blender. Now it's too late, I don't even want to see that GUI again before going to sleep.
I just hope I'll have a dream in 2D.