Thanks for the crits, will definitely keep in mind.
I've got an update; with animation frames mapped out. I also managed to make the HUD both bigger and more compressed
I've also never really done any tiles to speak of, certainly not for a platformer, and would love to hear anyone's thoughts on them and everything else.
I've now changed the bottle to be more like a coin/points collector meter, meaning that level of beer is less vital (In my mind at least
). it was originally as you said. The little blue thing's a battery, which rotates to show a red plus to make it being a health pack really clear
(I figure that in stead of a health bar there's just a lives counter, like the older arcade-style games)
Going the complete other way is the second character, the challenge is for a PSP game (with half screen size.)
Finally, I'm really not sure what to do with the backmost dunes, I don't want them to be overpowering but they're a bit plain.