Thanks for the edits!
- Since you asked about historical context, this is a fantasy universe and the current set of characters are the equivalent of Kievan Rus + Normans who were formerly invaded by the equivalent of Greek / Ottomans. So there's some eastern European and some Norse inspiration, obviously, and also onion-shaped hats and towers. However, no Mongols, no Cumans and no Lamellar armour.
- Since it is a fantasy universe, I'm not necessarily trying to recreate 1:1 the evolution of plate armor or anything like that. But since the barbute was supposedly inspired by ancient Romans and Greeks, I thought it would be cool to have a knightly order who took that a step further and really tried to imitate their ancient Greek / Ottoman invaders. Hence the Barbute / Corinthian helmet and the muscular chest plate. I've tried to find more references of renaissance armor imitating Greek and Roman armor, but I didn't find very much (only
this). It's ok, it's fantasy.

- Blue steel plate armor with a barbute and Greek / Roman chestplate. Maybe a bit anachronistic. But then again, this is a universe with dragons and I
think dragons disappeared sometime around the 12th century.
- Good idea to extend the sword arm. I also made it bigger (Thundercats hooo)
- Good idea to have a cape. I wasn't sure if I wanted one but now that is settled. Goes well with the viking culture without going full horned helmet.
- Fair point about the spear, I guess it would be pretty unwieldy to hold it so close to the spearhead anyway, except right before throwing it. However, I'm still a bit undecided. Although my version was less realistic and more defensive, it did reinforce the dynamic of him leaning back as he's under attack. On the other hand, I wanted these guys to look like attacking conquerors. Bah, I'm taking this too seriously. Let's be honest: I'm not sure Netflix is even going to call me.