AuthorTopic: Guardian dragon  (Read 3999 times)

Offline Zenobia

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Guardian dragon

on: March 30, 2007, 02:14:30 pm
Mythos Donation Dragon
Creation process

Sketch by me
Sketch by Yumehayla
Lines by Patchy, colours by me
By me
Edit by Yumehayla
Edit by Namarie
By me
By me

5 hours
22 colours
Not satisfied

- time for critique -

Egg edit by me
Wings edit by Yumehayla
Egg edit by blue

And thus the final version

Lost track of time
24 colours
Even less satisfied


I swore to myself I wasn't going to do this, and just take everything...
buttt... I haven't posted here asking for critique before ^^; I am a little afraid, if you can understand that.
My shading style... not so neat, I know. Anatomy, dragons... not my thing.
*dives away* ack nevermind, just critique. I'll try not to cry.

Not .giffed yet as I obviously plan on editting more.

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Re: Guardian dragon

Reply #1 on: March 30, 2007, 03:16:21 pm
   Hey, Z, I really like this, and to me, at least, it seems like you're starting to define your style a bit. In the past, you had a much more sketchier style. But this latest piece shows more clear definition. So I say bravo, for improvement.
Now on to the critiques:

   Obviously, the piece still retains your rough style. I would suggest trying to clean it up a wee bit more. Try some more flat/block shading techniques before going into detail and texturing. From the wips, that I can tell, it seems like you had some good line work, and you did fill it out with solid colors, but from there on you went immediately into detailing. I would suggest keeping it more simple by designating a couple simple hues or fixed palette for texturing, as well as defining light sources. Again, this isn't really a necessary step, but it helps sometimes.
   The dragon's egg seems malformed, and doesn't seem to retain a natural egg shape. The egg also seems to have a lot of light hitting it from it's left, but it's left wing still seems as dark as it's right wing.  I'm guessing the wings were mirrored, or copy of one another? Looks ok, but I wouldn't rely on mirroring in the near future. Cut's off of dynamic poses for future potential. Not to mention, there is a thick black line that seemingly cuts off the binding of it's yellow underbelly, and it's green scales (it's where the neck meets the body, towards the our right side...stage right).
   Anatomy wise, no one can really be an authoritative force over what a true dragon should look like. They're not real. However, IF we were to think from a realistic point of view, where it's limbs would serve as actual real life functions, then it's anatomy deserves another look. It's right arm seems to be attached to the right side of it's sternum, instead of the suggested shoulder joint. It's claws seem undefined at this moment, also.I'm also trying to figure out where It's tail begins, as the top portion of it, behind the left wing, seems to end abruptly, and magically end up below the right side of the it's head. "Very confused, I am, Hrmm." The perspective of it's head seems a little strange also. I would suggest tilting it's head a little further to it's right, for further dynamic-ism(totally not a word, but it sounds smart...Yeah, I'm an idiot).
   I'm sure there's more, but I can't see anything else for now. I'm sure this will turn out great, though. Good Luck!
my back hurts...

Offline Zenobia

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Re: Guardian dragon

Reply #2 on: March 30, 2007, 03:20:25 pm
You spotted exactly the weaknesses I typed out and then deleted again. (it doesn't have much use going 'I know I did this, don't comment'... obviously).

I am not quite sure how to go about changing the style. Suggestions?
I'll see what I can do about the other things.

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Re: Guardian dragon

Reply #3 on: March 30, 2007, 06:44:43 pm
Well like BOB said there are obvious lightsource issues with the egg and the body. My suggestion is using the flames on the tips of his wings as the lightsource(s). 
Since this appears to be a collaboration of 5 or so not so similar styles, and I am familiar with most of them, it's hard for me to give any kind of critique toward changing the style. I would suggest coloring the dragon with less texture, more like the egg perhaps?

Offline Zenobia

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Re: Guardian dragon

Reply #4 on: March 31, 2007, 03:47:27 pm
Ohh about the colour thing, I finally understand what you meant.
I -did- do like you said, I didn't immediatly add details lol, I just didn't save the inbetween colouring progress.

I'll try to clean it up a bit though.

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Re: Guardian dragon

Reply #5 on: March 31, 2007, 06:31:42 pm
I really can't crit on this. It's really excellent. I s'pose I'd have to sit here and analyze every pixel for an hour before I could say anything. It looks great though.