AuthorTopic: ----  (Read 11921 times)

Offline Darion

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Re: ----

Reply #10 on: September 25, 2005, 03:37:24 am
I think if you didn't force yourself to be so 'artistic', they would be more understandable. I just don't understand what are the focal points/what I'm supposed to be looking at.

If these shapes were more finished, I would think "Oh alright, hes just making random sprites around the canvas; its a page full of sprites".

I get that message when I look at Franks,

but not when I look at yours.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2005, 03:43:38 am by Darion »

Offline Zolthorg

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Re: ----

Reply #11 on: September 25, 2005, 05:06:14 am
I don't think he's trying to do what Frank is, what i perceieve this as, is an attempt at Pixel "painting". Following some sort of form to tie it all together, yet having individual elements.

My advice?
try using less negative space, and consider starting your canvas with a circle here or there and a square, a line, a triangle, a cone following some sort of flow or emotion, word or feeling (in the best way you can express it). And then using that to flesh out your "painting" or emoticon with colors, miniature forms, points of interest, cleverly used space and negative space, and perhaps a trick of the  mind or two.

Don't be scared by the big boys off of using saturated colors, just try to balance them anduse them where you feel they are needed.

Offline Sawtooth

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Re: ----

Reply #12 on: September 25, 2005, 07:30:56 am
text on artwork: the former cheapens the latter.  Munch didn't write "this man is having a hard time coping with his inevitable death" above "the scream," did he?  Unless there's something I don't know about, that is.

If we're looking at it from a design perspective, then text is okay.  Then all of the artwork becomes extraneous.  So, yeah.

Listen to Pegwo dammit, Darion's advice.

It's 2:34 AM right now, so I'm probably sounding kind of tired and pissy:  because I am.
rip ninjalicious

Offline lief

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Re: ----

Reply #13 on: September 25, 2005, 11:00:30 pm
ahh skipper. that was my next guess... really, it was!
i much rather your usual work.  there is not enough focal pull in any one part of the image, no viewing track, no guiding forms.  the bullet should be used as a movement device, but seems to lose its impact from the second it enters the image, the contrast in the trail at the red is better though.  i like the detail up in the left quadrant of image, although there is not much available for the eye to climb back up to it.  some of the color pairings are weak, and downright wrong (the green and yellow on the left)... while others play off each other well (red, purple, yellow transition).

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Re: ----

Reply #14 on: September 26, 2005, 01:12:00 am
Yea, I thought I was forcing myself to be 'artistic', and miserably failed.  Some of you were right on, it was really just a doodle of sorts, I tire of pixeling 'things', it gets to be too much to make things look realistic.  So it felt good to just pixel nonsense.  Thanks all.
No, sir.

Offline Helm

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Re: ----

Reply #15 on: September 26, 2005, 09:39:54 pm
pixelling nonsense is awesome. Just second-guess yourself less, and if you have to do it, do it off of the canvas. "is this art?". The answer to that question is another question: "do I need to have this question forced on myself as meta-commentary inside a piece of art?"

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Re: ----

Reply #16 on: September 26, 2005, 10:20:21 pm
Obviously I have embarassed myself.  So let us forget about this.  I am working on evan's birthday present, which is a bit nonsense, but contains MUCH less than this.  It is an actual scene, while still remaining nonsensical.  I think you'll all like it.
No, sir.

Offline Conzeit

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Re: ----

Reply #17 on: September 28, 2005, 04:25:40 am
eh, embarassed yourself? no way. I would never go to say you did that much. hell, it's just another piece in another art forum :p

you just made a little experiment, call it embarassing yourself when you acuse someone of something he didnt do and make a big fucking deal out of it for no good reason.

I for one liked the change of pace, the deliberatedly ligthsource-less imagery. u should stick around that and play with it a bit

Offline Darion

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Re: ----

Reply #18 on: September 29, 2005, 01:32:46 am
You really thought I would let you get away with that? Well, I am.

I didn't say thats what he was trying to do, I said that if he finished the shapes more I would've had the same interpritation as Franks. I was giving an example of what it could've become.

You may want to argue over the internet, but I don't. Just keep your comments to yourself, and respect my thought.