Thanks for the feedback, Ryu!
Originally there was no line defining the plane shift in the helmet and it was a rounder looking helmet. But I liked the bit of detail to the helmet.
As for animation, I've already done a run cycle and a jump animation for him. I'll be sure to share them once I've gotten more feedback on this guy and applied to changes that may come.
Controlling values to get just the right texture feel is something I'm conscious of and working to improve, I increased the highlights to increase the shine so that it reads as metal. Did a couple of version, let me know what you think.
The light source is overhead so not much light would get to his legs and lower body due to his shape. The highlights on his lower half are edge light and reflected light to define his shape better
These two versions both have brighter highlights, the only difference is the location of the brightest highlight. Which is working better for you guys?