definitely getting bette
the res is so high it makes me wonder what u do with it a high-rese game?
i wonder about the sprites and stuff.
im not digging the big bricks at the base.
they seem too plasticy and don't look like stone.
at this point i think you can start experimenting with the materials here.
you don't want to overdo it but at this scale some kind of suggestion of texture seems appropriate.
so u would add small chips and scratches to make it look like hard stone instead of bouncy rubber.
wood planks need texturing too.
you've started out ok on the bottom bit but there are other ways to do it too.
if trucks were backing up against it all day you'd think it would be more worn so you'd have more chips and dents and stuff to work with.
likewise with the green metal... looks like it needs character as its too perfect.
this applies overall i think you can add more character and variation all over the place, add some aircon units on roof and one of those stairwell rooms etc.