This is a suggestion for improving your understanding, not an insult or demeaning comment.
Every goddamn thing you say sounds like a demeaning comment. And I totally disagree with you about the hair edit. From what you say pretty much everything I've pixelled looks 'blurry' or 'muddy' and quite frankly I think you're absolutely wrong. Also after speaking with a couple other people about you I'm making this my last interaction with you. I do not enjoy reading your pretentious comments nor do I feel I should waste my time any further.
You misunderstood what I was trying to convey. It's not that aa makes everything muddy, but it tends to do that if used primarily for the sake of aaing something without putting into consideration what the subject is, with the material qualities associated to it. It makes sense to study those things and find ways of representing their qualities without instantly thinking it needs aa because an edge is crisp.
My intentions are not to demean, in the contrary, I'm adding meaning and awareness by seeking to explore more subtle nuances with decisions regarding art. I'm not here to create a personal battle no matter how many times people try to twist it that way.
It was the inconsistency in AA that Carnivac was complaining about, yeah? He was objecting to the AA of the hair in one location forcing a stark contrast between two elements of the same object (hair), which stuck out as a sore thumb, to him. To ask him to do an edit and then criticize specific aspects of the edit without considering the application of the concept he's portraying across the whole image just reinforces in me the idea that you're disinterested in the outcome of the argument and sustaining the argument for the sake of itself.
That wouldn't be the case with me. In the original I see why some areas are blended more than others because it has to do with how light rolls off surfaces and angles. The uniformly placed aa across all sides of the edges produces a flat sense of the structure and makes it appear fuzzy and less detailed.
Alex, as a thought : Most everyone (myself included) assumes they're always right. A healthy person will also allow themselves to be wrong. Do you allow yourself to be wrong?
A person can only be wronged. Show me the facts that can sway my views and I'll direct myself towards whatever else there is to see, but so far I still see pertinence to exclaim the obvious since there is denial by those around me of these facts I see.
(My line of questioning here is fairly heavy. If you don't care to respond or this isn't something you want to get in to, I fully appreciate that. If you -are- interested I will happily explain every bit of where these questions come from in a common pursuit of truth! )
Questions can be intriguing. I don't mind.