I don't feel incriminated at all. As you have seen, I didn' hesitate on showing my ref, as proof of my good will. I'm sorry it came to this, thow... The animation shows, I think, that I drawn the pixels. I did it on a layer on top of the photo layer. If there are "artifacts", as you say, this is the cause. Then, I think I'm being misjudged on my style: I don't have one, and I was convinced that my images showed you that: I try to experiment and find what suits me most... That's why I don't have unity in those works...
It seems I have a hard time convincing you.... All I can say is that the image is drawn and I hope I find the means to prove that. Helm, pls, could you tell me what dither I shoud use to eliminate the texture effect (and the suspicions that gravitate around me...)?