Well I wasn't really planning on having a plan but heres what I've thought of adding so far:
Various bars (happiness, hunger, etc)
-Playing with the creature
Seperate objects do seperate actions
-Title Screen
-Changes in creature with age*
-Some sort of minigame to increase age or money
-Possiblity of more creatures and perhaps breeding
-Movement dependant on mood*
*semi added
Alot of this I could probably do myself it would just take time and the coding would be messy.
I'm open to any ideas. I don't really know where this is heading myself (probably not the best enviroment for a coder right?).
@miscaugh'sbro: I'll fix the dithering on the apples (they were originally for another project with a different style) but isn't it better to have game sprites with undefined lightsources just so you don't have to worry about lighting at different angles and stuff? Maybe i'll just use a top/front source.
@Rox: uhh... theres actually 5 shades for the ground... Maybe a greater hue shift instead of more contrast? i want an overall neutral background so items/creatures stand out. I'll add another highlight to the tree and see how it looks.
EDIT: Updated background
Oh miscaugh'sbro, if you download gamemaker (
www.gamemaker.nl) and the .gmd file (first post) you can see the game as it is so far and also access all the coding and sprites and stuff. I probably won't switch languages as I want to be able to keep some control over what is happening and not have it get too complex.