AuthorTopic: Tileset WIP  (Read 8221 times)

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Tileset WIP

on: September 28, 2005, 06:03:02 pm
OK, this is my first tileset ever, so don't expect anything mind-blowing..
First, a little screen:

And here are all the tiles I have made so far (with a character to compare whether tiles are of correct size):

It's somewhat chaotic, but meh... =D +a bonus statue of Calliope (will be used in a different tileset).

The "what's left to do" list:
-some kitchen tiles (sink, freezer)
-trash can
-some statues (1/2 tiles high)

If you've got some suggestions on what additional tiles I should make, please post them.
(yeah, I was lazy and just copied the post from pixeljoint =D
« Last Edit: January 10, 2006, 07:06:07 pm by DE »

Offline Pegucha

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Re: Tileset WIP

Reply #1 on: September 28, 2005, 06:28:07 pm
Looks pretty good. The tiles fit together nicely. I think the floor shadows are really helping the scene too.

The border on the carpets could be better. As of now they kinda just look like train tracks. Also the creases in the carpet aren't working very well; the vertical ones look especially odd. The black things in the front of the room, are those bookshelves? I don't see them serving any purpose except getting in the way. I'd consider taking them out.

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Re: Tileset WIP

Reply #2 on: September 28, 2005, 06:46:44 pm
Really nice stuff.

The floortiles could use 1 or 2 transition shades where it goes from dark to bright.
The barthing creates some optical illusion thing where it meets the wall part it looks like the bar is extending into the wall, instead of meeting a vertical wall.
I think that could be fixable with making one of the two lighter or darker.
There are no ugly colours, only ugly combinations of colours.

Offline Faceless

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Re: Tileset WIP

Reply #3 on: September 29, 2005, 06:23:29 am
Really nice stuff (woah! Dejavu!)

Anyway, I think you might want to look at adjusting the various bookshelves and cudboards and etc...
I'd move them down so that the top (the Z axis bit) is on a tile of it's own, making it so that the bottom of the (x axis) comes down past the bottom of the wall... because at the moment they look kind of painted on, and lacking in depth...

Other than that and the odd folds in the carpet the only thing I see that irks me a bit is the keyboard... the dither to depict keys doesnt really work for me, I suggest experimenting some more with it.

And I happen to like pesence of the rears of bookshelves... though I don't know how they'd work out in game...

Heh, I see my crit about the bookshelves and etc. isn't due to the bookshelves themselves, but rather your tiling of that outcrop of wall... maybe not using that to seperate each object?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2005, 06:26:50 am by Faceless »

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Re: Tileset WIP

Reply #4 on: September 29, 2005, 08:38:24 am
@Pegucha - I'll edit the carpet, I too now think it's not that good. And also throw out the folds (they are unnatural). Yes, those black things are bookshelves. Since I'm taking a different aproach to presenting walls closest to the camera, I thought those tiles would add a bit more depth (the character of course is covered by them when he walks by). I don't know whether I will use them though, and even if, then certainly less of them.
@ptoing - haha, I haven't noticed that =D I think I'll just add some shadows on the part where the bar meets the column. I would add more shades on the floor, but I have a limited space for tiles, and even those simple shadows take up too much space =(
@Faceless - the problem is all those tiles are about 6 pixels wide, the same as the distance beetwen the columns and walls. I kind of wanted them to exactly fit that space, but I'll try moving them up or down a few pixels and see how it looks.
Thanks for all the comments, I'll post the updated version later.

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Re: Tileset WIP

Reply #5 on: September 29, 2005, 04:37:21 pm
Woah! Very very nice indeed! Lovely soft colours and a really nice feel to the tiles. If I had one complaint, it would be the excessively unreasonable one that there are no zombies in the scene. ;)


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Re: Tileset WIP

Reply #6 on: September 29, 2005, 06:16:32 pm
OK, I edited the rug, shaded the bar so it cuts from the column more and changed the keyboard.
I thnik that's it for this tileset, I'm off making some sprites =)