1. Is there a selection tool like there is in GraphicsGale?
There is not.
The Get Brush tool is the equivalent of a Select tool in PM.
And I feel the same way, it is not the same or very good for moving things around.
In GG I move things around a lot with the keyboard and PM does not allow you to do that. -->
Grabbing pixels with get brush sticks them directly to your mouse.
Copy pixels = Left Click --> drag
Cut pixels = Rigth Click --> drag
Move your mouse, then click to place.
Even after you have placed the pixels in a new location, this operation replaces the brush you are currently using, instead of being a marked off area of pixels to move around that does not affect drawing tools.
Because of this I use this hotkey:
Other Shortcuts->Tools Single Pixel Brush = Ctrl+S
So that I can clear out my brush.
The whole process is quite annoying and I find that the Select Tool in GG is much better.
However PM has other strengths, just as you have mentioned.
2. It looks like there are some cool options to help with this in Pro Motion.
That subject is a bit complicated and I don't have time to type out a good guide at the moment.
However my short answer is:
Use the grid.
Read thru every shortcut key in the Preferences menu.
Set a Snap to Grid key --> I use ~
Set a Get Brush key --> I use W
Use Get Brush and Left Click to select a tile.
Use Get Brush and Right Click to move a tile.
Turn Sync OFF when drawing new tiles.
Turn Sync ON to set your new tiles as tiles.
Turn Sync ON when you want to edit a tile and have it update everywhere.
Turn Sync and snap on when you want to paint a tile over and over.
Use TileMapping --> Optimize every once in a while to clear out tiles you do not use.
You can set the selectable tiles in your tilemap to link to another file, that way you can have a bank of all the tiles and tiles that are not in use will not be deleted with Optomize.
Read the section on Layers very carefully because it is confusing and silly. --> GG has a much simpler Layer interface
If you are using the latest version of PM some of the above may be incorrect. --> I use PM 6.5
If you have other questions or some parts are unclear feel free to ask.