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Messages - Brian
Pages: 1 [2] 3

Pixel Art / Re: Dirt is good?
« on: August 01, 2007, 08:27:50 pm »
First of all, I much prefer your first dirt. Your second is absolutely disgusting to me!! It looks almost just like a noise. Use it for REALLY pebbly areas, but not as general dirt.

Anyway a large part of fixing the grid really isn't that your tiles are bad, but in how your tiles are laid. We're working with small tiles here, they're almost always going to look tiled unless the colors are really low contrast.

To fix it I simply will just show you a process here:

Your original image. I enlarged the canvas a 16x16 tile on each side for rearranging purposes.

Here you will see that I shifted every other 32x32 row over.

I put the excess tiles in the whole on the left side.

Since we already shifted each 32x32 row, I decided to shift only every other 32x32 column, and only a single 16x16 column of that. Why? Because we've already rearranged drastic rows, only a tad bit needs changed on the columns to add variation.

Here I filled in the games with the excess. It looks great!

If we moved every other 32x32 column (instead of a 16x16 column on every other 32x32 column) then you'll end up with a snazzy dirt ground, too. And this is what it looks like. Whatever floats your boat

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Cartoon character
« on: August 01, 2007, 07:54:09 pm »
I really like that mockup!
Anyway. I like your game a lot
Indeed stay away from too many cut-and-dry shortcuts like beveling and gradients. Create

Pixel Art / Re: Bird (new game project)
« on: August 01, 2007, 07:50:52 pm »
It's cute. I'd like to see the shadows coded into the game. You wouldn't need so many repetitive sprites for something like moving the bird a pixel upward, nor repetitive shadows on sprites.

Pixel Art / Re: In need of some feedback on game graphics.
« on: August 01, 2007, 07:47:17 pm »
I really love this. But add some blue to the water or aqua green or something. The character can be mor eobvious but I did notice him myself.

Pixel Art / Re: Sidecrollin' excessively tiled fun fest 2007
« on: August 01, 2007, 07:38:01 pm »
you are a phenomenal pixel artist! I wish you'd do some tutorials on a lot of different things! Seriously, please do!
I noticed that your trees are a repetitive bunch of the same graphics (your leaves), yet they are not obviously so. I'd like to learn about how you broke up the monotony so well and did the shading with the leave so well too.

Your dirt ground is great! I really love your plants, rocks, logs.

Pixel Art / Re: Giddyap! (Updated)
« on: July 22, 2006, 11:43:31 pm »
Haha one of your images makes the horse look like a unicorn! I WIN! YAY! My work here is done.
*goes to inspire some more peeps* Thanks!
- Brian

Pixel Art / Re: Mario stuff
« on: July 21, 2006, 10:56:29 pm »
cute :-)

This could be colored...I'll show you my colored version when you show me yours :-)

Anyway, the art in this thread is sooo gorgeous! thanks all!
- Brian

Pixel Art / Re: Giddyap!
« on: July 21, 2006, 10:33:45 pm »
God, that is gorgeous! Make the horse a unicorn.
- Brian

Pixel Art / Re: Densetsu no Dokuchu - Guardian of the star portal
« on: July 21, 2006, 10:32:45 pm »
You are so great at graphics, how do you manage to maintain your posture, eyesight, and physique with all of this...? And how about a social life and even your own confidence? you not? lol it's okay if you don't ;)

Anyway I really would prefer to make a game out of some of your mockups. That soccer game is soooo neat, and I am sure me and you could make lots of money if we work together with it. I am thinking of multiplayer online games btw
- Brian

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