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Messages - 7321551
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I like the idea here - a whole bunch of graphical variations on a single game.
I might make a skin for one of those games even without the prize incentive.

Is it possible this was underexposed?
Seeing one's art in a game is beyond a lot of people's means, so I'm surprised it didn't bring more participants.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Chibi Platform Game Character
« on: March 28, 2010, 12:37:17 pm »
Hm. There isn't much emphasis on any point in the running animation, so the legs look sort-of like they're peddling a bike, & the arms look flaily.
Running is sort-of like a series of leaps, or at least that's what it feels like. Emphasize the airborne bit. Quick edit -


I duplicated the airborne frame, extended the leg a little (sloppily), & made the arms fixed for those two frames.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: [WIP] 16 colour strategy game
« on: March 23, 2010, 10:58:49 am »
Nice rock!

The grass/dirt transitions seem very noticeable now & appear a bit messy, I think the gray you removed was helping the transition a lot.

The long grass is too spraycan-tool-y, I think - the appeal from the beginning was the very clean, uncluttered approach you'd taken. I think you could approach it more like the short grass & dirt (ie. expanses of flat rendering with texture variation tiles) & still have it read as long grass. I was actually working on an edit, but I couldn't do any better so I ditched it. Easy it ain't.

edit: Oh, about the different environments: You could take that approach, but it might be more interesting if you gave each environment some unique gameplay mechanic that the others lacked. For instance, no hiding in the snow snow environment, but enemy troops leave lasting footprints & so can be tracked, or something.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Bob Deux
« on: March 21, 2010, 11:50:31 pm »
It'd be nice if you could leave up the original & the revisions, for posterity.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: March 19, 2010, 12:24:53 pm »
Seems like a bit of a false dichotomy, I'd rather spend 32 minutes with the good gameplay.  ;)
I don't begrudge anyone liking cutscenes, though.

General Discussion / Re: Chiptune VideoCast
« on: March 19, 2010, 07:22:40 am »
Ah, alright.
Well, copyright owners seem pretty lenient about chiptunes, judging by my own cursory searches on youtube for videogame soundtracks. Mostly Mega Drive era stuff, in my case.

General Discussion / Re: Chiptune VideoCast
« on: March 19, 2010, 05:02:49 am »
Is there a reason only modern chiptunes are being played/discussed? Just preference?

Pixel Art / Re: Dylan Dog - WIP
« on: March 16, 2010, 11:05:54 pm »
I don't have much time to post but I have to because this is excellent & needs more replies.

Not familiar with Dylan Dog but it really makes my day to see such a good Groucho. You really nailed him. Or nailed someone impersonating him, as the case may be.

Man-on-right's mouth is a little ambiguous - I can see it as open when zoomed-out - just a touch of shadow under the nose would fix it.
There's few stray pixels on center-man's clothes that might be unnecessary. Maybe.

I want one.  :)

Pixel Art / Re: Qaz- Reborn
« on: March 16, 2010, 12:44:16 am »
The red lenses are nice. I preferred them when they were reflective, though (although the reflection could have probably been less symbolic).

Conceit's edit is a great mid-motion pose. Souly's is a great stationary pose.
My opinion sort-of depends on the intended result. What are you aiming for: a scene, a sprite, etc?
Right now you have a nice sprite going on.

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