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Messages - 7321551
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Pixel Art / A Bird, of Unparalleled Evocative Power (WIP)
« on: December 26, 2009, 03:10:53 am »
Hi there. Here's a bird that could benefit from criticism.
I began by using a gray-scale ramp:

I then added hue & saturation:

I subsequently noticed that he looks vaguely derivative of the Yus Bird... Subconscious fan-art?
I chose reds for the body's shadows, which is a little counter-intuitive, so I'm interested in what people make of that.  The beak is almost yellow-green, which seems to give it an almost fluorescent appearance.
Radical character-criticism, such as "his head's too tiny", "his beak's too big", etc. is also cool. I'm not devoted to this design.
NEXT: Wings. & perhaps a hat.

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