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Messages - dock
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Pixel Art / Re: Run loli-goth, run!
« on: November 21, 2008, 12:30:07 am »
Sokota, yeah that's just foreshortening. I can see how that might be misread however.

Larwick, I don't really have a story for this character or anything. She's in a game where she has to get to the bottom of a tower, and perhaps pick up cute cakes and diamonds (the love of every loligoth).  I agree her face could use a bit more work to be honest, as it's a bit wide and perhaps it would benefit from facing forwards by a pixel or two.

How does the falling animation look so far?

General Discussion / Re: Read the Rules, then introduce yourself here.
« on: November 19, 2008, 03:50:34 pm »
My name is Dock, and sometimes I create pixel-art, sprites and 2D game art.  I'm a professional games artist, specialising in 3D and character artwork.  In my free time, however, I like to create lots of comics and games.

You can see my artwork here at
and also at my blog

Recently I released Tumbledrop, which is a browser based game. This was the first game I've made on my own, but hopefully it won't be the last!

Pixel Art / Re: Run loli-goth, run!
« on: November 19, 2008, 02:05:25 pm »
Just a couple of work in progress animations. Please let me know what you think!

Very quick idle animation. I'm not happy with this, the fluttering is too fine and fast. Lacks any sort of secondary anim too.

Just put together a 4-frame fall animation.  The character will be dropping during this animation. This needs more work,and I would tween this to 8 frames once it is ready. That rear leg is pretty bad, come to think of it... o_o

Apologies for the scruffiness of these images - my work tends to start off rather messy until I'm happy with how it flows.

General Discussion / Re: Welcome Jad to the mod team!
« on: November 19, 2008, 12:52:12 pm »
Congratulations on your modship, Jad! ^-^

General Discussion / Re: Animation software
« on: November 19, 2008, 12:47:30 pm »
It either means you're a lousy animator, an awesome animator or a crippled animator.

The first if you don't care about your end product and thus don't need a smooth workflow

The second if you do all the good animation in your head and thus don't need a smooth workflow.

The third if you ACTUALLY would benefit from easy flipping-through frames, not meddling with showing/hiding layers on and off all the time, onion skin, etc, thus DO need a smoother workflow : D

Jus kidding though, you're probably just used to it. But yes, for me it's weird because I feel crippled when I try it; I'm no photoshop junkie in the first place, so everything just feels awkward. Actually having to click my way through frames and trying to keep track of which layer is which frame makes me go more or less mad. But if that's part of your workflow, you're cool : D

But it does seem weird to me!
It's pretty likely that I'm not doing enough sprite work to feel crippled by Photoshop. I don't do sprite stuff very often, and I'm pretty handy with photoshop so I find other 2D software a bit of a nuisance to get around unless I'm committed to it (like Manga Studio, for example)!

I suspect that I could work faster, and sometimes I do hate some things about imageready. For example, to click through animation frames I actually have an 'action' setup so that my F6 and F7 keys act as 'previous frame' and 'next frame', and that's not perfect because it doesn't select the correct layer for editing.  So yeah, I suppose I am crippled in this respect.

That said, there is plenty that I do love about photoshop's animation system. I like that I can move layers around to quickly test new objects (such as quickly create a static hat layer, and nudge it so that it bobs with the head). I also like that it supports anti-aliasing, as this is often important for stuff I do.

It's not like I do pixels every day though, like you guys! ^_^

General Discussion / Re: Animation software
« on: November 19, 2008, 11:23:31 am »
Is it so weird that I love using Photoshop/Imageready for animating sprites? 
I received a lot of strange responses at an indie developer meet recently because of this. I've never had any problems with it though, and I'm pretty excited about getting CS4 at work some time in the future, as it has some cool new animation features.

I use PC and Mac (PC laptop, PC at work, and Mac as main desktop PC), so being cross-platform suits me too.

Pixen is pretty much unusable, IMO. It has too many faults, it's really not practical to use. Don't do it, kids!

You could probably use Graphics Gale via VMware Fusion though (especially in Unity mode), if you wanted to use something other than Photoshop on a mac.

Pixel Art / Re: Run loli-goth, run!
« on: November 18, 2008, 11:00:44 pm »
Jad, that's really helpful advice. I'll see if I can do something with her dress. I have a wind blowing for her idle right now that ripples through the hem of the dress, and I think that sort of feedback can be effective. My next animation is a 'falling' animation, which will plume quite heavily (though I'm avoiding it lifting up, of course! o_o)

Pixel Art / Re: platform mockup
« on: November 17, 2008, 10:11:49 pm »
I like the flat colours of the first post, actually. I'm not sure the noisy tiling background would add much, but I would have to see it implemented in full screenshots to get a better idea.

Pixel Art / Re: Run loli-goth, run!
« on: November 17, 2008, 08:02:55 pm »
Thanks for the feedback so far, I'll definitely poke around with this sprite and see if I can spruce it up.

The palette isn't settled on just yet, it will really depend on how it looks with the background. I think I might introduce a hint of colour into her dress.

Turbo, do you agree about the facing direction?

2D & 3D / Re: Possible Space Shooter Mockup...
« on: November 17, 2008, 04:30:12 pm »
These are fabulous, I hope you keep working on them! ^_^

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