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Topics - Antago
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Tree needs better shading to come to life
« on: July 08, 2008, 07:07:21 pm »
So I've been working on this tree and am using it in my game. I am pretty satisfied with it, but I do not plan to move my game forward until the art is going in a consistent, satisfactory direction.

I'd like to make this tree pop. Any suggestions? I am a huge fan of the Secret of Mana series and its tree graphics, and I will show you some of their trees as examples :)

Here are some tree examples:

Pixel Art / Rainbow World entrance
« on: July 03, 2008, 10:16:52 pm »
So I'm working on the rainbow world entrance. No, I am not a freak about total consistency yet :-) so indeed shadows and things will not be 100% astounding, however I'm working on a tree right now in front of the door and I am needing help on making it match the other tree.

p.s. clouds inspired (and background clouds, not entirely visible, designed by Alkaline. Foreground clouds are not his)

General Discussion / Collab (design your own shelled creature)
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:10:16 am »
So I invented this creature a long time ago, I call it a bomy-bopot. It's been featured on Graal Online and now I'm giving it a game of its own. You can play around with it and watch how it works here in the short little Flash demo I've created:

As you can see I'm sort of making a game with it right now, and since it's such a simple creation I thought people would have fun developing their own! You may give it extra sprites for special powers and abilities as you see fit, you do not need to stick with the template. If it's very exceptional, I'll code it up and stick it in the game :-)

Here's your basic template and some examples:

Click to see full version:
Click to see full version 2:

credits for these go to me, Gonmon, Golgamech, Kraken, FrEAk+ and Ben R.

Pixel Art / Sabertooth tiger running animation
« on: June 27, 2008, 07:04:00 pm »
I'm working on my game and I don't have a whole lot of time to do my graphics myself anymore, but I figure I'll start here when it comes to updating/improving them:

I think the running animation is decent, I'd like to see it better. The tail looks a little stiff to me. Moreover the tiger itself could use a little more depth. Any help?

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