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Messages - The B.O.B.
Pages: 1 ... 64 65 [66] 67 68 ... 70

Pixel Art / Re: Jeremiah the Hero
« on: December 03, 2006, 09:16:20 am »
Similar features, huh? Hmm, this "Jeremiah" fellow must have the world's largest cow lick, and man boobs ever known to the beast known as man. :P

But seriously, I don't know what exactly you're looking for as far as certain critiques are concerned. I'm not gonna be anal, or an ass about anatomy, cuz obviously it's supposed to be cartoony. I guess, I would just pick on the fact that his right leg is shadowed more than his right, when his left leg seems to be in front. However, his current stance begs to differ upon this issue of light source, as evidence of both his arms recieving the same amount of light/shading.( Ugh, don't you just hate it when someone mentions that subject, "light source". It's like ya wanna kick em' in the face...I'll be waiting for mine in the mail)

   Other than that, I'll hold my tongue till I get a better understanding of what your wanting to know...

Pixel Art / Re: [wip][nudity] Re-interpretation of old artstuffs
« on: December 03, 2006, 02:52:37 am »
   In my opinion, I'd suggest de-lengthening her shin to thigh bone ratio. It looks a tad elongated, which is probably what everybody keeps mentioning. I kinda lowered her shin length, in that retrospect, as well as added some thicker highlights/shinyness to spots where you seemed to timidly put them. I'm sure your way was intended to go along with her fairy character, but to me it seemed kind of spotty. Also, I kinda fluffed her hair a bit, and shined it up, to give her some more character up there. It would also be best to disregard the selout I applied to my edit, as I still don't seem to firmly grasp it's concept. And if I did anything wrong with my edit of your sprite, just tell me, and I'll remove it immediately.

By the way, I'd just like to say it's nice to see some female anatomy with some actual curves, especially of the belly, instead of the same old anime-ish slim girls with zero spots of a True female body. Now, bearing in mind, this character still seems to be the male stereotype of what a womans anatomy should resemble, it still retains some realistic curves....I luv dem curves....hope to see some updates pretty soon! :y:...

Pixel Art / Re: "... old lady pixels you!"
« on: December 02, 2006, 08:35:02 pm »
Yay, no dithering!
   I like it so far. I think if anything needs touching up, it would probably be her left arm. A lot of the lady's body parts show form, or some form of shading. However the upper part of her left arm seems to be flatly shaded, as if the light source is hitting it dead on. Under normal circumstances, this would be fine, however directly next to her left arm, is a shadowed boob, leading me to believe that the arm is slightly behind them berbs'. So I would experiment a little, and try shading the upper left arm a little more with the dark purple hue you've chosen.
   Also, the cane seems to blend in a little as it reaches the helm of dress. Maybe trying a little black outline to help define it might help it be a smidge more noticable. I would also try the sprite without the black outline located underneath her chin. I know your trying to show a harsh black line to separate her chin from the cloth, but for me at least, it seems to be out of place...I could be wrong though.
   Still though, I really like the character. And I could tell it was Stoner's lines before I even read the rest of the post.

General Discussion / Re: Wii, 360 or Ps3?
« on: November 29, 2006, 01:51:50 am »
none...I'm dead on the inside(someone finish me, please)...

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Mermaid!
« on: November 23, 2006, 10:22:06 pm »
Feature get!

Psst! Ptoing, your Germish' is showing..

By the way Mirre, I really like how far you've come with the piece. It was great then, and looks even better now. My only crit back then was the whole non-existant nose, and the way the fins/flippers/tail were shaded. They look much better now. I like the nip-slip, adds some reality to the piece, as well as the reflection and the ripples. My only hindrence is towards the way the sky is currently dithered. I think with the style you got going here, I would have preferred a flat shaded sky...Great job..

General Discussion / Re: MS Paint Poll
« on: November 16, 2006, 05:22:17 pm »
Not gonna say much, or else I'll get me' balls bitten off by the hounds. I use M.S. Paint for pixel art. I now have photoshop, but I don't really like using it for pixel art, Ironically because I FIND IT SLOW AND CLUNKY. But that may be because it's still pretty new to me...I'm still a learnin' though...Oh I put 10 by the way...

General Discussion / Re: Edits Poll
« on: November 14, 2006, 08:13:40 pm »
Ummm, before I go on I just want to ask one thing: Whats the difference between these two options?
1. Only edit someone else's work if they do not object.
2. Edit only with the permission of the author.

   By any choice, I've never really respected any person who edits other people's works. As in, most people in the fighting game world love to draw over previously made Capcom, and SNK sprites for extremely dull and uninspiring designs, or to the point where they look just plain wierd. Ditto this in with the Sonic edits, and Megaman edits as well. JUST STOPP, PEOPLE!! It's 'oogly. Now with editing anothers piece in a forum, I definitely do believe in. However, I don't think that everytime someone submits something, everyone should hop on it and edit everything to their liking, confusing the artist's original idea by making him decide who's style he must choose to suit the audience. In fact, that irks the hell out of me.
   Call me stubborn, call me stupid, but I just believe that above all, an artist's sharpest sense should come from his/her ears, not their eyes. In other words, listening to response and understanding why and where someone is critiquing certain parts of  a work is vital in understanding your audience, and how to better make your art speak to them. Of course, no real artist should ever forget that just like his/her fingerprint, their artistic style is one in a gazillion(what?...I counted elephants also...Elephants can paint too, ya know...) Despite this, I still believe that it is better to only edit a piece if the original artist who posted the work hasn't gotten it down yet, or if he requests an edit for a better understanding.(yes, yes, hypocrite is my middle name...)

Pixel Art / Re: punk(hyene neck)
« on: November 13, 2006, 05:21:04 pm »
Pillow shading is generally frowned upon at this place, Soldat. This piece had some very unique lineart, even though it was a tad too big for my tastes. However, with the basic shading and colors you just gave it, it seems to suffer from simplicity more than anything. I just don't like the character design, and the pillowshading just killed whatever chance it had of looking good. You might want to study light sources a bit more, and set up a focal point from where light is being created as it's sets upon a surface; in this case, the body parts.
   You'll notice light doesn't come to the central point of every muscular division, as you've portrayed here. Also, the dithering seems very off in this piece. It's creating the whole pillowshading illusion, and it ain't 'purrty. I think it would be best to try some simple, flat shading techniques for a base, just to show you where shadows are lying and so forth. Hope to see some improvement...

General Discussion / Re: Gamer Poll
« on: November 11, 2006, 05:55:13 am »
Not much of a gamer. Used to be when I was younger. I haven't gamed it up in about a year. It's pretty sad too, mainly cause I'm only 20. I feel like my innocence has been stolen from me by adulthood, and my apathy has been growing immensely on all ends. Oh well. If I do play, I just hook up my dreamcast system, and put in my NES and SNES roms and have a go at some old school games. (Mega man, Chrono Trigger, and I still haven't beat Super Ghouls and Ghosts. Just an example of how pathetic I am at video games...) I don't know why, it's just these new games coming out in the market just turn me off completely. I look at them and think, "What the hell is everyone so hyped up about? The graphics on X console seem to be no different than it's older counterpart. That and it's the SAME F***ING CONCEPT AS 50 OTHER GAMES IN IT'S GENRE..." I still read up on gaming magazines just to see if anything new and amazing is coming out to really make me buy some $300-500 priced game console. None at the moment...I put no interest in the poll by the way(screw the voter anonymous crap)

Archived Activities / Re: I spy with my pixel eye.. (Nov 5 - Nov 11)
« on: November 11, 2006, 03:17:56 am »
Wears a cape,enjoys the color purple, wears a big hat and is anthropomorphic... The penguin?

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