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Messages - DieMango
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Pixel Art / Need help with a good ol'running animation...
« on: May 06, 2017, 04:00:37 pm »
Half of the animation (just with keyframes an rough)

Full cycle with added ,,jumpy-niss''

Any comments for improvement? Second time doing a run animation and my brain hurts...didt look much up and maybe f**ked up somewhere (like the leg bends a little to much backwards)

First animation was a character that was 3x8 pixels so this is my first ,,serious'' try for a game that is in the works...

Use large swaths of solid low-ish contrast colours to create the background. You can have more contrast in areas that are away from the creature, but avoid high contrast that's adjacent to the creature, as the details will clash.

Consider using diagonals in the background. Diagonals are largely absent from the creature, so they should help increase the contrast between it and the background. If you stick to just 45-degree diagonals, it should even fit the style.

Good idea...what color wou you use? I was thinking of a Temple with  brick texture in the background but it woud work with the 45 degree thing...a forest woud spring to mind but i am nor ure on that...

Also how about things in the forground? shoud they be darker thne the background or have some fancy saturation?

Pixel Art / What kind of Background you use for a very noisy piece...
« on: April 04, 2017, 06:14:52 pm »

Like the title said..wanted to make a Background but such an noisy piece makes things difficult for me...

Pixel Art / Re: This Dragons under-body needs help (ideas please)
« on: March 26, 2017, 05:14:08 pm »
Perhaps shape variation? A bulbous backside could give him more of an unnatural appearance.
Alternatively, try taking inspiration from creatures like the Gila Monster on Google!
The gila monster doenst have such an intersting shape...

coud you explain what you mean in simpler terms? I dont really know what you mean...

Pixel Art / This Dragons under-body needs help (ideas please)
« on: March 25, 2017, 03:12:52 pm »

Like the title says...the ass of this beautyful reptile giving me problems...quite the rough ones even.

I dont want the legs to touch the arms but dont went to make it look tooo snake-like...

Ideas and thoughts appriciated !

Like a Clamp.

I'm not really understand what you mean, can you show some example?

Kinda like this:

Just a quick edit....think about it like pads with claws...

Seems a liitle better but i think something to focus on:

I noticed that the placeholder is kinda like a clamp (there are 2 arms...the one you see in the front and the one that is in the shadow)

Maybe try to make it stand out like having some kind of bearing. Like a Clamp.
I think it distracted me because it looked like the arms squeezed the carft just onto a wall to hold it.

also maybe have the arms maybe on the same hight to make it look more like a machine that woud hold all kinds of things...just make one arms look like being longer because hydraulic stuff...(cant really discripe it but the things shoud be on the same plane and one just having the ,,Clamp'' extending)

And i am aware that the beam is a Game object but you coud move them away a bit so the one on the left doenst cut on the carft. Or move the carft a little into the middle...i know its a weird perspectiv wich make things like that akward but scene just seems weird because the craft isnt in the middle or exactly between the beams that seal that area for that craft.

Thats all i have...

My first thought was:

,,Where is the Hover-bike stored?'' its probable something like a tunnel to launch it or some sort of storage room but the energy barriers seem a bit misleading (seems weird to have energy walls in an area that isnt really sealed off)

Also the things that hold the Craft seem oddly out of place...deosnt give the feeling that the objects have in this room.

(Nitpick woud be that the Robot with the bird-like pose look very simple but it kinda fits...just the one-piece neck and static legs look not like something that woud move)

Pixel Art / Re: Punch Animation (woud love to get critic)
« on: March 20, 2017, 01:37:19 pm »
Damn... the timing is so nice...

i failed alot when trying to make things not to fast and not to slow...

Nice edit! tought me alot!

Still going to make a rocket punch but this helps alot with what i struggled ^^

Pixel Art / Re: Posing Practice
« on: March 18, 2017, 09:05:55 am »
Here comes the guy that struggles alot with the same problem.

My Photoshop Teacher always told me to simpliefy everything until you cant simplify anymore (Like turning everything into cylinders or making a ,,low poly net'' for the form to know how things are bend and will cast a shadow)

Pixelart of curse is a little diffrent...

Still you can always siemplyfy things...cut it down into triangels or round shapes (the easy things in pixelart)

And keep in mind...most of thetime ther is no ,,core shine'' (a shine in the middle and small black outlines) But the is a always a ,,core-shadow'' (very dark shadow with light at both sides)

So Take a VERY dark color and start where the most domiant shadow and then refine it (really just put big part into shadow...cellshading doesnt stop at the line where a normal shadow woud stops when the light begins...)

PS: I will follow with a edit but for some Reason that image is a i have to edit in PS (Graphics Gale cant open it >.>)

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