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Messages - Chadtech
Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6

Pixel Art / Re: staring dragon [c+c]
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:33:56 am »
Looks crazy good! Sorry I cant offer more than that really. The horns are kinda funny looking, but you drew them great.

Pixel Art / Re: I want to inprove
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:31:27 am »
Your lighting should follow the contours of the guys body and hat. They shouldnt ever contradict or run-over the contours. Like the hat seems to bow, but the light tone is just straight, and your darkest tone borders the entire hat. On the body there are ribs, but their expression is absent in the brightest tone.

Also, avoid outlining things. On the hat and the body your darkest tone outlines the entire shape. You dont need to do that.

Would you like me to do an edit on your piece to show you what I mean?

Pixel Art / Re: Drawing a planet
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:24:58 am »
Im starting to feel like I can draw clouds.

Pixel Art / Re: Drawing a planet
« on: April 26, 2016, 09:40:57 pm »

Cool I like that better. More colors, and less contrast between them.

EDIT: another update

Pixel Art / Re: Drawing a planet
« on: April 26, 2016, 12:52:04 am »
Thanks eishiya.

I turned up the contrast on all my assets

I think that was for the best.

I understanding what you mean by one pixel being 100 miles. It doesnt seem possible to draw earth like features on a square 100 mile resolution. So am I drawing biomes, rather than surface features? In that case, do I just need a huge color palette and just sorta splotch them onto the surface?

Pixel Art / Re: Drawing a planet
« on: April 25, 2016, 06:11:05 pm »

Here is my natural inclination of how to add surface features. Im pretty sure this isnt going to work tho.

Pixel Art / Drawing a planet
« on: April 25, 2016, 05:23:18 pm »
Im working on a space ship game ( , controls are the keys e, s, c, u, k, n, and space). I drew up this planet just to have a video game asset to play around with. I dont think I am close to being finished with the drawing, but I am not sure how to proceed. Right now its just two colors representing landmasses and oceans. I figure I need to start drawing clouds and surface features, but it sounds pretty daunting. Any advice on how to proceed?

an in-game shot

Pixel Art / Re: Molten Foundry tileset
« on: April 25, 2016, 05:18:41 pm »
What Eishiya said regarding the lava being too bubbly. It looks like water. Maybe if it had fewer bubbles? Maybe if it 'peeled' open like lava does? Or, what if the lava moved in larger motions, since lava has very high viscosity?

Or maybe its not worth it being realistic. Being realistic isnt that important

PS great description Eishiya re opacity of molten metal and rock. A+ would read again.

Pixel Art / Re: Planets, Stars, Space
« on: April 24, 2016, 01:04:27 am »
I added more features, and brightened and blue-shifted the shadows.

Pixel Art / Re: Planets, Stars, Space
« on: April 23, 2016, 08:50:20 pm »
I added a haze around Ambivorouss gassy planet. Then I also played around with the surface details to try and look more stormy. What do you think? Im not really satisfied with either edit.

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