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Messages - eishiya
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I'm sure you can see the same problems I see - you've got a faint line running through all the boards along the edges of the tile, and some of your boards are never-ending.

Do you have any sprites that would be used for this project? The boards are rather dark, so sprites that are mostly dark or employ a lot of dark outlines might not read well. In addition, despite them being so dark, there might still be readability issues because the dark outlines are fairly prominent. Consider perhaps getting rid of the darkest colour or making it lighter and using it more sparingly, e.g.

(I also modified the colours to add a little hue-shifting, the colours get progressively more purple the darker they are, this makes them feel a bit more interesting without introducing too much contrast.)

What size is this tile meant to be? I made a 24x24 one for my example, but because yours was shown in isolation and apparently with an outline, it seems to be some other size?

It's hard to judge a tile in isolation. Make a floor with it. I'm sure some issues will pop out right away even before others take a look, and it'll help others give you more useful feedback too.
For example, this tile doesn't actually appear to tile. The top and bottom boards will have 2px of darkness between them instead of 1px like the rest, and the sides of the boards are cut off, so they're not going to form longer boards across tiles.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Need guidance with cave/mine tileset
« on: November 06, 2018, 12:46:31 pm »
I think the raised cart looks better. The foreshortened cart looks a little better, but I'd consider making all the carts longer, since people tend to expect a rectangular shape rather than a square one.

The rope is a nice detail, but it feels very thin, I think it would look better being thicker and sticking out of the pillar a pixel.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Need guidance with cave/mine tileset
« on: November 05, 2018, 01:05:47 pm »
You are correct in understanding the wheel, but you seem to have forgotten how your camera works xP

We should see a bit of the rail since the wheel doesn't swallow up all of it.
(I've drawn a 45-degree camera here, but your camera might actually be lower than that, showing even more rail).

The vertical cart looks larger than the horizontal ones. Don't forget that horizontal space is foreshortened, just like on the rails. So, either the vertical cart should be shortened, or the horizontal ones need to be longer (wider).

Pixel Art / Re: Critique for an Old Column
« on: November 03, 2018, 08:06:14 pm »
With my comment about the light, I was actually thinking more about the vertical position. Is the light coming from above, or below? The top of the base is lit, but the top of the column is in shadow. You have some highlights in the middle of the column, but what's creating them?
A centre light source (same amount of shadows on the left/right) is a little dull, but it's physically plausible xP

This is the tangent I was referring to:

That colour boundary and the top of the column align almost perfectly, making it feel like the pillar is contained within the darker blues, and the lighter blue is a separate object on top. It's generally a good idea to keep boundaries away from any other boundaries, unless they're almost perpendicular. When a shape overlaps another shape, it should do so decisively, try to avoid slight, ambiguous overlaps.
Even though the sky is a single object, the individual colours still form their own shapes, and if these shapes interact with other shapes in weird ways (e.g. tangents), that can cause the sky to read as a bunch of different objects rather than as a single gradient object.

Pixel Art / Re: Critique for an Old Column
« on: November 03, 2018, 06:00:55 pm »
Where is the light coming from? The shading feels inconsistent.

The dithering may be a bit much, but that depends on the material/texture you're trying to convey. Dithering creates a rough, textured look. Dithering also takes up space you could be using for details and better-defined texture, so that's something to keep in mind.

The sky is usually lighter near the horizon and darker higher up, yours is backwards xP In addition, one of the colour boundaries tangents with the top of the column, making it look attached to the column rather than like a background. In any case, the column appears to be seen from above, so it's not very likely we'd see a sky at all, unless the column's at the top of a mountain xP

Pixel Art / Re: Critique on Run Cycle
« on: November 03, 2018, 12:08:10 am »
The downward run had the camera high up, RPG-style, but the side run appears to be viewed from a lower angle, like in a sidescroller. If it's also meant to be viewed from above, then the far side of the body should be higher than the near side (this includes the far shoulder, arm, the far side of the pelvis, and the far foot).

The character's chest looks rather misshapen. It looks like you have their body rotated slightly towards the viewer, which is fine, but their far arm appears attached too far back, as if the torso isn't rotated.
In addition, the upper torso should rotate a little more in such an energetic run.

Pixel Art / Re: 8-Bit Overworld Green Lantern
« on: November 02, 2018, 12:02:49 pm »
It'll be easier for people to give you feedback and avoid repeating themselves and each other if you stick to a single thread.

This sprite has a lot of the same problems as the Batman sprite. The outlines clash and come too close to meeting in some spots, making it hard to read the anatomy. The arms are very long. IIRC Green Lantern's symbol is blocky and should probably be some sort of square or rectangle at this size, rather than a triangle.

Pixel Art / Re: Need some UI advice
« on: November 02, 2018, 01:26:37 am »
Fading UI elements is a quick way to create a visual hierarchy, but try to think more on that subject.
It looks less chaotic with the Blueprint and Hangar sections aligned, but it still all feels a bit disjointed. Try to think about how these things connect and how they can be grouped, and how the UI can show these relationships. If there are no relationships, then are you sure all of these things need to be on the screen together?

Consider the theme you're going for. It looks like your goal is something that resembles an actual physical interface that could exist in your setting (as opposed to something abstract). How would such a physical interface be arranged, what would it consist of, how would it be built? These questions might guide you to some effective answers. Don't think of the background as just a "background", think about what it might be in terms of your UI's theme, and think about how you can use the background to show the relationships between the different elements.

Even a solid black background can look good, though! The reason yours doesn't is because the other elements aren't particularly well-composed. Consider perhaps arranging them so that they're a little tighter, rather than anchoring things to the edges of the screen? Dead space far away from the focal areas feels a lot more pleasant that dead space in the middle of the action.

Pixel Art / Re: Need some UI advice
« on: November 01, 2018, 07:27:29 pm »
I feel like you could make much better use of the available space. Everything is tiny and some of the text is hard to read because of the size, and yet you have all that unused space.

The gold/brass colour doesn't read very well against the grey background, especially for the smaller icons, more contrast between them would really help. Perhaps the grey could be made darker?

The UI feels disorganized. You have four distinct sections (resource list at the top, the circles on the left, the blueprint area in the middle, and the hangar on the right), and there's no clear indication of which is the most important at the moment, what's related to what, and so on. The resource list is the only one that has a clear purpose and a clear place in the otherwise non-existent hierarchy - it's unobtrusive and clearly there to be looked at when you specifically want that information. The other three sections all fight for attention, especially the blueprint area and the hangar.

The lack of alignment between elements also fuel the visual chaos. Everything's anchored to different points, so it appears as though every element is floating independently.
The hangar is a good example of alignment creating visual groupings - the three ship info cards are aligned and have the same size, so despite the spacing between them, they clearly read as related. The L2 and R2 button prompts are aligned with the edges of the cards, so they also feel related, but because they're smaller and simpler, they also feel less important than the ships and don't clash with them. Size/contrast issues aside, the hangar's good! You should try to apply the same principles to the UI as a whole.

Try to avoid having different icons for things with similar functions. The hangar has tiny white arrows for flipping between pages, but the blueprint has large brass arrows, even though those arrows perform roughly the same function (presumably, they flip between different blueprints). Even though the purpose is clear in both cases, it feels less unified and more chaotic. It could also cause confusion if e.g. the player makes the guess that one type of arrow represents inactive/unavailable pagination.
Similarly, some of the ship circles have highlights, and some don't, which can be misinterpreted as meaningful.

In the circle bar on the left, you have a large green sphere next to one of the big circles. Is that the currently highlighted ship, or...? The green sphere looks a lot like the resource icons. It also doesn't feel thematically connected to the ship-circles, perhaps show selections by changing the circles, e.g. by giving them a brighter frame or a different background colour within the circle?

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