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Messages - AimlessZealot
Pages: 1 [2]

Pixel Art / Re: [C&C] Seated Pose
« on: August 10, 2015, 02:43:50 am »
I think you're off to a good start but there's a few issues here.
First, working from a drawn reference for anatomy is never advised. The one you are basing your work off of has some flaws which you, as the secondary artist, are unfortunately going to inherit. Let me provide you a reasonable reference image to compare to your character's position so I can describe them:

Her pose has a lot of similarities to the one you are trying to match so makes a good comparison.

First, notice that she leans towards her left and her hips and shoulders do not align. This is important because it explains why her hand on the floor is load-bearing for her. In your reference image the character's hips and shoulder are stacked and he has a leg down for additional support on that side. Him supporting himself with that hand is very problematic.

Second, notice where her head vs shoulder placement is. Her ears are a half a head above her shoulders with her neck exposed whereas your reference has his ears practically resting on the shoulders and no neck. It is possible that your reference is being seen from higher, but that would foreshorten the distance between the floor side of the lower leg and the supporting hand. He appears to have a similar height difference from the hand on the ground to the down-leg so one of these two measurements is incorrect.

Last, the vertical leg has no connection to the body. Right above where his two heels are there should be an edge to the hip showing but it isn't. If his hip were that far over, he'd need to lean to the opposite side and support himself with that hand instead.

Your pixel art is off to a very good start but I heavily, heavily recommend making sure to use real-life references even when doing work from an anime source because you never want to inherit the mistakes of another artist.

Good luck and great job!

Pixel Art / Re: Floaterbots, GO!
« on: August 02, 2015, 06:19:17 pm »
Well, the noodle-y arms are intended to be segmented, whip-like appendages but I'm thinking that maybe I need better contrast and maybe some more clear segmentation along the edges. I'm glad that you like the concept behind them and I hope to have more to show later. I'm working on a quadruped at the moment and it's breaking my soul :'(

Pixel Art / Re: [C&C] BackpackerWalkCycle
« on: August 02, 2015, 03:39:55 pm »
I would advise you to consider the weight of the backpack, the angle of his spine and the thickness of his legs. The backpack looks like it is carrying items, which means his center of balance has been shifted back like this:

Note how his shoulders and upper back are thrown forward to help adjust his center of weight.

This might be a fairly slight motion except that your legs are so thin that they exaggerate how little the upper body is reacting to the weight. Because the body isn't hunkering down the way you'd expect under a heavy weight it appears as if the figure is somehow leading with its feet and having the upper body float slightly behind.

Pixel Art / Floaterbots, GO!
« on: August 02, 2015, 04:13:20 am »
So, I have been working on monsters for the roguelike game that I am doing and this is one of the critters I've made -- the Floaterbot. I intend to switch out the energy and metal casing colors and a few of the appendages based upon how they have evolved throughout the game. The four designs from left to right represent the four stages of "evolution" that the game may show depending on how much you've been killing them. Kill too many, and the next, hardier form will show up to make you regret it.

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