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Messages - fskn
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Pixel Art / Re: Some characters
« on: May 23, 2021, 02:15:58 pm »
Hmm... I *think* that when that happens you're better off just throwing that into shadow or making all of that area a single flat color.
(other, more experienced guys may have a different opinion, though...)

This is what I would do:


Although, y'know... You could use some of that gray down there too...

Pixel Art / Re: Barbarian sprite with NES specs [WIP][C+C]
« on: May 23, 2021, 02:05:08 pm »
I've been busy the last few weeks and haven't had a chance to drop by. You've done so much amazing work in that time! I particularly like the running jump/flip. The font is also great, although I wonder if the 'M' could be reworked because it appears more squat than the other letters. I had a go but couldn't quite figure it out. I think the issue comes from the curves at the bottom of the stems, although it's hard to do anything about it without making them look too chunky.

I don't really have any other comments yet because this looks so good!

Oh, wow, thanks Bisonte.  :-[

Um... Yeah, the font has some problems. I have to fit each character into a 8x8 square so the M and the W end up looking too compressed horizontally. I'm thinking of a way to make it look like a lowercase "m" but having it just be the last "leg" of the m, and combining it with the "n". So 2 characters for the letter m.
Some other game has done that and I thought it was so clever I may end up stealing that for me. :P (maybe, I don't know yet.)

As I have 2 other colors to "spare" there (sorta) I might also try and redo every letter in a higher resolution, then use the posterize trick to handle the anti-aliasing, then give it some manual touch-ups.
*mythbuster's announcer voice* At least that's the theory!

Pixel Art / Re: Lizardman - please critique
« on: May 23, 2021, 01:55:15 pm »
I wonder why the green pixels on the underside of the spikes?
I could say that the light that's hitting the back of the creature reflects back up to hit the spikes... But actually I was just trying to find one color from those you used that had the value that I wanted to see there.
It works both ways, though, I think.

And yes, the left hand has too many fingers :) Good find. thank you!
There's still one too many, though, if you compare it to the creature's right hand. The thumb should be kind of hidden away, maybe the claw would be poking out, but not the back/top of the finger.
I noticed it some time after I did that edit but was too lazy to go back and redo that part.

Pixel Art / Re: Lizardman - please critique
« on: May 22, 2021, 10:18:48 pm »
It looks pretty great. I'd only do some minor changes, smoothing things out here and there... Avoiding tiny gaps in between those claws, having stronger shadows to emphasize form... But it's all a matter of personal preference, I think.

I believe the rest looks fine.

Oh, I see a problem with its left hand now:

Pixel Art / Re: Some characters
« on: May 22, 2021, 08:32:39 pm »
- Improve the halberd pennant flowing in the wind, try to make it smoother.
I think you should (let's see if I can describe this...) make it do its wave and whip the very end every time.
Also you could let it fall down for a bit, then blow in the wind again.

It all depends on how much time you want to spend on it adding subtle details. But I think it would all add to the piece in the end and make it that much better.

- Maybe add an animation of wind blowing across the grass. Fuck it. Ain't nobody got time for dat.
That would look super cool, though. Maybe something like a ripple or two...
The edges would probably need to be rough, I think, to sell it as grass... (big guess here)

Does this work? Or do the ripples give you a seizure? Apart from the uneven and glitchy movement, I mean.
Looks fine for me, I think...

EDIT: Less chocolate. Is it wood though?
Yeah, that looks a bit weird. Like it has some odd grooves now, kind of like if a rat went there and gnawed some of that wood to get what's inside. (yes, the treasure is not gold, but actually cheese. :lol:)

Perhaps something like giving a couple panels a different shade of brown, or just overall not adding that much detail.

EDIT: Maybe..?


And they may need a handle to help them carry all of that cheese out of there once they're done taking their photo:


Also, what do you think of making the tip of that sword a little rounder?

I know you don't *want* to add AA to anything (esp on the edges), but... it's just a couple of pixels...  :-[

The glove/gauntlet could use some shading too.

A little less contrast on the highlights?

Pixel Art / Re: Barbarian sprite with NES specs [WIP][C+C]
« on: May 22, 2021, 07:15:09 pm »
Did you already find the basic gameplay parameters that you're happy with? Movement speed, attacks, jumping height, etc? Are you playing the game already in a 'white box' stage? Might be difficult to adjust certain things if you've already done the animations.
Nope, still just a very vague idea of what I would like it to be. I'm not a programmer so I can't really do that part, but I think I could try implementing something in a friendlier engine, say, on Godot or Stencyl or something. Just so that I can prototype stuff and show it to whoever ends up programming it for the actual thing.

There's a bunch of stuff that I can still do, though, I think. Which is the basic graphic stuff. Characters, enemies, items and backgrounds.
And I feel like I need that to then find a person that would be willing to collaborate, so I can, hopefully, whet their appetite. :P

Pixel Art / Re: Some characters
« on: May 22, 2021, 03:20:07 am »
Nice point about different speeds on the leaves. I will see if I can figure that out in Asesprite. Still figuring out this program.
Hm, yeah, I don't know how to do that in Aseprite... I turned your GIF into a video of sorts inside of Photoshop and edited it, which is way faster than trying to rearrange individual frames.

Cool animation you did there, by the way!

EDIT: Also, in Photoshop you could animate individual layers independently from one another, so you could, for instance, make loops for each of your knights, trees, and the clouds, arrange them in the animation timeline however you liked, then exported that video as a GIF. And yes, that would be pixel perfect.
I think you can do something similar in Aseprite, as it's very similar, as I recall, to Adobe Flash. But every program has its perks, so...

(Spoiler HERE, HERE and HERE).
OOooOOOooh! Very niiice! I wasn't one of those kids so I would've never guessed. :lol:

Pixel Art / Re: Barbarian sprite with NES specs [WIP][C+C]
« on: May 22, 2021, 03:13:15 am »
Looks amazing! I'm super jelly. Out of curiosity, are you planning to add some kind of warping or smearing to compensate for the few frames?
Thank you.

With the NES hardware in mind, I could only do a few things. (as far as I'm aware, so prepare your grains of salt.)
First, movement in general is handled by the game code, so positioning things on screen on a frame-by-frame basis and how smooth that transition between frames looks is basically a matter of having high(-ish) framerate and positioning the sprite(s) in small increments.
I could've tried to simulate that in Photoshop (and I might) but I was trying to be quick and "git it dun" so I could have an idea if those frames of animation were working, if I would have to change anything, adding more frames or what. I'm thinking those are plenty, though... Dunno how things are going to look like in the morning. :lol:

In terms of adding smears like what I did with the sword slash animation (which btw desperately needs a revision...), I think I can do that to some extent (obviously drawing those smears by hand), but then it could be hard to reuse bits of those sprites in other frames.

Let me try to define a few things here in order to try and make things less confusing (?!?)

This is Ninja Gaiden III running on the FCEUX emulator:

The smaller window is the PPU viewer, which shows all the tiles used on that screen. Each of them is 8x8 in size.
On the left, the background tiles, and on the right the sprite tiles. Underneath that some options that don't matter much to the discussion here, and at the bottom all the color palettes used in that frame. In the first row those reserved for the background tiles and in the second those for sprites.

Those sprite tiles are arranged in a way and stored in memory (somehow, dunno exactly how those things work) to form "meta tiles" which in this case are the frames of animation for the respective sprites.
Here are some I arranged inside of Photoshop:

There you can see how a lot of those are reused to make different frames and be efficient in order to use the least amount of space in a cartridge as possible.

Now, those are not all of the tiles that game uses for Ryu's animations (and there are no enemy sprites there either), so those graphics are swapped for a different "page", unlike Super Mario Bros, which (again, as far as I'm aware) has all of its graphics assets in two of those pages... And I don't know how many of those I will, eventually, have available for me...

So, yeah, I want to do the best I can while still being reasonable, trying to make a shippable game, but I don't know yet how much I could fit in a cartridge.

And the NES hardware is really limited by today's standards, I can only flip those sprite tiles horizontally or vertically, not rotate them, so anything that should indicate rotation would be limited by that and me drawing new graphics to accomodate it.
Thus why in the "flip" animation I had to make a 45° frame, otherwise it would be very choppy.

I've taken a look at the NES sprites for the original Prince of Persia after you mentioned it, and that uses a lot of tile pages for the Prince (not to be confused with The Artist Formerly Known As Prince. :P)... but that may be a very special case.

Pixel Art / Re: Barbarian sprite with NES specs [WIP][C+C]
« on: May 21, 2021, 08:43:51 pm »
Working on a run and jump (and flip and land) animation:


1st pass:

Pixel Art / Re: Some characters
« on: May 21, 2021, 02:44:54 pm »
Oh, I totally thought that was a sorceress! :lol:
But yeah, like Sein says, you take what you like and discard what you dislike (or what is inappropriate according to your context). As I did those hands I was thinking exactly that: "Well, even if he doesn't use it here, he could use it in some other character in the future... or I could use it! :lol:)

As for your new characters, they all have super cool designs, and I like the way you've been rendering the different materials.

The trees could probably have subler animation, and just more frames. Making the leaves in the silhouette move ever so slightly as in the beginning. Also, making them move in different moments, and sometimes more, sometimes less...
Kind of like:

And if there's wind, then the clouds could be moving slowly to the left... Maybe?

That perfectly straight horizontal line just behind the trees seems odd, I kind of want it to be more sinuous like the hills in the far background, though not as much. Is there a reason for it to be so straight? It's almost like there's a painted wall there, or a big piece of fabric or canvas (if that's the case, by the way, it would be really cool if you could make it move with the wind too, but damn it would be tough to animate).

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