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Messages - Johasu
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Pixel Art / Re: Books and tutorials specific to animation?
« on: April 25, 2014, 12:03:24 am »
I understand this yes...  But starting out with basic art I was very....  uninformed and unaware of how to go about learning.  I began to just scribble and mess with things and to be honest it took many hours of total utter crap before I began to understand what I was doing wrong and even then the gains I made weren't as solid on my own as when I asked for critiques from more experienced artists who showed me what I was doing wrong and helped me along.

So I assume animation is at least partially in the same line.  I would rather spend a few solid hours researching the matter before jumping in so deeply and maybe wasting a lot of time on bad methods that don't work.

Perhaps that's just the way to go.  I like to go to work with a full toolbox though.   :yell:

Pixel Art / Re: Books and tutorials specific to animation?
« on: April 24, 2014, 11:16:25 pm »
Thanks for the heads up on that.
Does anyone have any general advice on how to practice animation from the ground up?

For example:  Things that you started out doing wrong that you wish you had known not to do from the get go and the opposite techniques you wish you would have started using from the beginning.

Pixel Art / Re: Sunset Background
« on: April 24, 2014, 11:07:51 pm »
Now that I am fully deflated.   :lol:

Is there a way to fix those composition errors without remaking the entire piece or should I start from the ground up?

As I created the castle structure I worked on the top and then felt like the bottom was so bland and empty so I shaped it into castle walls and that gave it this sort of castle/town on top of a castle appearance that you pointed out.
I also felt the need to drive the pathway toward the castle in the distance but since the castle was in the center it didn't really lend to a winding path straight up the middle.  Which is why it goes to nowhere in particular.

Any general advice on how to rectify the situation without a full remake?
I want to create an edit which pulls the elements together.  I will do a remake if I come to the point that I believe it can't be fixed but...  Man I really want to find a way to make this come together without scrapping it.

Until then(for fun):

Pixel Art / Re: Sunset Background
« on: April 24, 2014, 01:31:43 pm »
i knew what it was as soon as i saw this ;-)
I am pleased that you recognized it so quickly.  It means I didn't do too terribly at least on some level.
This is so damn sexy that it almost needs a NSFW warning.
Most of the credit needs to go to the original art/artist.  I was just replicating something else that had been done. ;D  I really do love this one, though. That's the problem. I feel like I accomplished something and am a little scared to touch it.  So I bring it here to let those who aren't so infatuated pick it apart and force me to improve it.  I could easily just sit back and smile, but I feel like there is more room for growth here and I am totally okay messing around with alterations if it can improve the end result.  Nitpicks encouraged  :y:
Honestly, I can look at this and see exactly how my progress went.  I began with the farthest back elements and created them as I moved forward.  It's pretty evident that the layers became more and more in line with my own style choices as I came forward.

Architecturally, I had absolutely no plans when I created the buildings.  I started out trying to recreate from flash memory the original piece and ended up building this large castle thing.  I was aware of that bit of cognitive dissonance  between the light cast on the building and the placement of the sun, but didn't want to have the entire structure be shadowed.  The smaller building is also not planned at all.  I was thinking like a stable or something when I built it. My original buildings didn't even come close to matching in terms of era or style and I did some work to bring them closer together, but it wasn't enough maybe.

I am prepping an edit.  My main concerns at this point are composition oriented.  If I move the castle it won't be in the center anymore.  If I move the sun the lighting cast will work on the castle more but probably won't work so well on the foreground.  Those are the two most powerful segments and I don't want to lose too much strength in one to improve another.
The farthest layer of forest was made in that sort of bell curve in an attempt to draw attention to the castle.  However, when I started out I wasn't planning to make the castle so large and it probably doesn't require so much direct line focus to draw the eye.

I will rework the back line.  Play with orientation some.
Thanks with the comments.   ;)

Pixel Art / Re: Books and tutorials specific to animation?
« on: April 24, 2014, 11:00:16 am »
Thank you both.  I will see if i can secure a copy of this magical golden book.

The 12 basic principles:   Are they explained in more detail within the book that is mentioned there?  The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation?

Pixel Art / Re: Girl on a Horse
« on: April 24, 2014, 12:08:05 am »
Quick Critique on the horse image:
To my eyes, the patches of lighter gray on the body seem off.  They appear to be highlights on the legs but on the main body those highlights seem placed incorrectly and/or at odd angles.
The seam on the horse's front leg is distracting and causes it appear to be "stuck on"
The horse's left rear leg (the furthest back) feels much more correct in form and length than the other hind leg. The abdomen feels like it narrows to a point really quickly there.

Pixel Art / Books and tutorials specific to animation?
« on: April 23, 2014, 11:54:11 pm »
I have been working on colors, backgrounds, and form for about 6 months now and am starting to feel a real lack of development in my animation ability. It is going to be my new target for the next few months until I feel more adequate in that region.
My own preference for learning is to do a ton of front end research before I get my feet wet.  A sort of gathering of raw materials for me to sift through as I develop an understanding of style and technique.  While I prefer pixel art as my medium of choice, I don't mind if the research material is focused on illustrations.  3D isn't really something I am ready to take a look at, currently so I would ask that you don't go too heavily into that realm unless you feel it would be of solid use in my current focus.

Things that I could imagine being useful are materials on the number of frames to use for animations with large and small sprites.
Methodology for different types of animation.
Particle effects
Frames per second considerations for video and video game quality.
Tools and tips for creating animations.

Direct Query:
1)  Are there any books that the community would recommend?  I am looking for materials that really struck you with potent content that altered the way you approached animating.  From basic to expert level is fine either way.  I am a quick study.

2)  Are there any specific tutorials anyone knows of within this forum or out in the ether which are useful?

3) Youtube(or similar service) tutorials or livestreamings that take place where I could soak up quality animation knowledge?

4) Other choice commercial materials such as dvd's or actual textbooks that are of real quality as well?

Thanks in advance for the info dump guys and gals.  I really appreciate the assist on this.   ;D

Pixel Art / Sunset Background
« on: April 23, 2014, 09:07:06 pm »
This was heavily inspired by an existing piece and I used the same colors.  But I would like any C&C on things that stand out as odd or needing work.
Each layer of my image was created by taking a quick glance at the reference and then creating my own version.  It was an interesting exercise in memory and tested my ability to capture the style of other artists.  I'm really not sure I came that close on any one element, but I really like this piece and want to know if there are any big mistakes I am not seeing.
The reference:
My recreation:

Pixel Art / Re: Cave Tileset - Need Criticism
« on: April 20, 2014, 03:32:10 pm »
That dark shading along the bottom does give the impression that the walls are sort of sitting on the ground instead of rising from it.  Much in the same way the solitary rocks look to be sitting upon the ground.  And the way that the dark color reaches up at an angle into the corner joints gives the walls a sort of pyramid tapering as well.

If some form of color bridging was done between the floor assets and the wall they would mesh together and look more realistic.

Pixel Art / Re: Tiles C&C
« on: April 19, 2014, 10:39:30 pm »
You can select an individual color and change it to another over an entire image with graphicsgale in several ways rather easily.
There is no need to redraw every tile and element by hand.

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