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Messages - Xero
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I am convinced this is my best work yet
No, it's not your best. Your Samus is FAR better.
Might give it a go at a lineart, I'll look up a nice one too.

Agreed, fossil has some kickass art, thats definitely not his best.

Yeah thanks, I'll try that, but I think i'll finish the metal in all greys first, then mess with it a bit, cause I want a colour that looks good all through it, not just through that first bit :P

Started on rmedtx's centaur lineart. Made a sort of robotic version, as if the man had been cut in half, and rebuilt with that bottom. Hope he doesn't mind that I'm editing the linart a bit. Not sure if I should continue..

Original Lineart by rmedtx -

My edits + shading so far -

Pixel Art / Re: KOS - ish
« on: January 17, 2006, 06:31:22 am »
Yeah you may aswell, it looks pretty nice.

Pixel Art / Re: Bleeding Eye
« on: January 12, 2006, 07:53:55 am »
That's fine, the biggest problem though is that it is just plain hard to understand the forms involved in the image.
The eye-ball itself is a spherical shape, and so shadeing it like one would help distinguish it's form as spherical.
The eye-lids lay over the eye-ball, and therefor inherit the underlying form.

You've got a tear which has a light coming from the left it seems, and the actual eye is lit from the lower-right. I'd try to unify the lightsource and investigate how the light forms the shadows on everything.

the eye is looking to the left I think, which may be why its hard to see the iris because it blends into the background. Some people may not understand it as so, and so it may be better to try it a different way so that it comes off as an eye to someone.

Thankyou very much, I'll reshade the tear, and have a go at redoing the eye so you can see the iris and the coloured part around it. What you said about it needing to be shaded as a spherical shape, I've tried making it look more spherical, and haven't really succeeded, maybe you could explain it more or give me an example or something?

Pixel Art / Re: Bleeding Eye
« on: January 12, 2006, 07:04:19 am »
For starts, the eye doesn't look round and spherical where it pokes out from under the eye-lids. I also dont know where the iris is, or which side is which. The iris has the colored bands around it, but i cant find any. The eye-lids look red on the skin part when it should be skin color instead. The tear-duct(if we're looking from the side the nose is on) looks wrong and should be more concentrated in it's shape and not streamlined like it is currently. You'd need to add parts of the face to the image if you want any eye-lashes to stand out(at the moment the background is all black), you could change the background color if you dont want to add the face or rest of the eye-lids..

Ok, I'll try some of that. The problem with the part about the background colour is that thats how I wanted it cause everything sorta blends into it, I dunno, its just sort of a style. I'm not trying to reject criticism, but meh.

Pixel Art / Re: Bleeding Eye
« on: January 12, 2006, 03:02:41 am »
I could really use some help with this...

Pixel Art / Bleeding Eye
« on: January 11, 2006, 10:14:55 am »
I was hoping I could get a bit of help with this. As the topic states its a bleeding eye.. well actually no.. more of an eye crying blood. I think what I've got so far looks okay, but I could use some criticism. Also, would anyone have any idea how I could add eyelashes? I've tried a few different things and nothings working out.

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