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Messages - Pix3M
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Challenges & Activities / Re: The Daily Sketch
« on: November 18, 2014, 11:06:10 pm »
Now I'm curious. I reverse searched this and the image was related to a Bun festival in Hong Kong, not the hairstyle, but the food 'bun'.  The background also makes me curious as I wasn't sure if that festival was in China proper as some people don't look ethnic Chinese  :-\

Attempting to search in Chinese got me interesting results. My only leads where that it was called 'Ox horns' in Chinese, but no sources provided me the actual chinese words for them, so I took a shot in the dark and looked up the characters for the individual words in a dictionary, got "牛角发型“, which got me pretty close to what I think I'm looking for.

They don't look anything like how the Japanese draw them, but I'll trust that they're called ox horns from what little text I'm able to read, some of these are very literal too  :lol:

I should attempt searches in foreign languages more often to get results different from what English-language searches usually give me

Challenges & Activities / Re: The Daily Sketch
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:10:26 am »

Made this study after an amusing find of an unconvincing attempt at an Asian setting  :crazy:

General Discussion / Re: Remember Mr. Wong's Soup'Partments?
« on: November 18, 2014, 01:09:36 am »
Think you can provide a base for use somewhere to make getting started even easier?  ;)

Challenges & Activities / Re: The Daily Sketch
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:21:51 pm »

More costume studies, grabbed a propaganda depiction of the Chinese before the boxer rebellion, clothes that people wore during the Tiananmen protests, and a tvtropes cover example of a Japanese stereotypical depiction of a Chinese girl.

Anyone know a picture of a real-life Chinese girl with the Japanese-origin stereotype of 'odango hair'?

Challenges & Activities / Re: The Daily Sketch
« on: November 02, 2014, 06:46:46 am »

Some people casually mentions trying to sell games to China, then next thing I know, I'm constantly researching modern Chinese culture to get a much better idea of how it exactly takes to be successful in a Chinese market, at least compared to the usual local market we all know well enough. No doubt is gonna be important for me to get familiarized with "my" culture.

Also decided to do some costume studies, and especially compare depictions not from Asia, other Asian countries, and depictions from the Chinese themselves. I got a looot more to do, hoping I keep up with this  :ouch:

General Discussion / Re: Online tool for pixel art design
« on: October 25, 2014, 08:24:45 pm »
Rather, I think the grid should be optional and 1:1 scale is mostly for editing anyways, wasn't it?

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Sturmkrähe
« on: September 14, 2014, 07:36:04 pm »
Huh.... I compared the current WIP with past WIP's

I'm also curious about the face proportions as I believe the past WIP's had a larger face for the helmet. The 'beak' also might look like a mouth and if you look at it as a mouth, it might look oddly high and the guy has a very small face. So... I wonder. What happens if this soldier was unmasked?  :lol: (either that or I'm looking at too many heads with large faces)

General Discussion / Re: Your Favorite Graphical Artist/s
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:01:28 am »
Whenever I find somebody mention me as their favorite artist, I feel both honored and worried.

Honored in a sense that I was able to leave a lasting impact on somebody,

but worried because that suggests that I'm part of a small world if I'm somebody's favorite artist, in a world where there are professionals in circles outside of my own, who put out even more amazing art at a quality that surpasses what my communities make

I'll keep an eye on threads like these to better know who the masters out there are

Oh, and Yaomon. I also hear PPD is from Seattle as well  ;)

Challenges & Activities / Re: The Daily Sketch
« on: September 10, 2014, 05:21:07 am »
Quick life drawing of a simple rock statue they glued on top of each other in a local park.

Found that the things that makes something look like a rock is mostly in the smaller details mostly around the edges of the postive space and the shadows.

Challenges & Activities / Re: The Daily Sketch
« on: September 08, 2014, 07:53:08 am »
Oops, I should downsize these if I decide to post them here  :o

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