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Messages - ndchristie
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General Discussion / Re: Question about dithering
« on: March 24, 2010, 01:46:01 am »
dithering and other visual technicques are a "see first formulate second" thing.  In general you will be able to see the difference between which is or is not more subtle, and as other have identitied this only matters at the edges of dithering regions, not across a piece.

2D & 3D / Re: Burned Grass
« on: March 20, 2010, 03:35:43 pm »
It really looks like a perfectly smooth surface, plastic, even, surface with a grass texture imprinted upon it.

What are you using this for?  A lot of this would easily be solved with a normal map if you have the ability to apply one...

Pixel Art / Re: Some time to think...
« on: March 13, 2010, 11:06:08 am »
for me the issue is that the chair looks soft and schmoogey.  See if you can't maintain this oversoftened style you're going for while still demonstrating the clear, planar relationships held by most furniture forms.

2D & 3D / Re: Bitten by the sidescroller bug...
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:54:10 pm »
I already went over that.

It's not a contest, dude.

Anyway, the game looks nice, but I find a few things a bit off :

1 - choppy, low-res 3D means I can't fullscreen without it looking like shite and if I can't fullscreen I at least have rouble seeing the playfield.  I have to blow it up to what I'd call pixel-level detail, and since you're not giving this pixel-level attention, the results of the zoom are lackluster at best.  An HD version would be a good currently a lot of your work goes to waste on being too far zoomed or too small to see.
2 - doubleshot action looks great but it's slow, confusing (as it follows the cursor), and is just another hiccough in the gameplay, which makes my gun feel both jumpy and unresponsive (neither is a great feeling).
3 - heat gauge remains ugly and unreadable.  It needs to move in one direction and one direction only, because I don't intend to spend my game watching the HUD, i plan to spend it shooting.
4 - character is massive for the playfield and slow; the jump in particular is like hopping on the moon.  result is that dodging is nearly impossible and in this level it means you die or play parthian.  I think you would benefit from having more aggressive/nimble movements (I'm thinking specifically a forward charge to get out from under bullets).  Even if more nimble I think you need a smaller main guy unless he can take way more punishment than you're offering, or have tactics (such as power/heat/movement-based shields) that eneable him to.
5 - We need animation for the unreachable angles or to CLEARLY not make them shootable (change cursor color, some kind of "warning")

I think that's about it...

Edit - no wait, why do i lose a quarter of my health before I'm giving control of my character? that's crap!

Pixel Art / Re: Fem Fatal
« on: February 27, 2010, 02:57:13 am »
It's an LCD pattern issue. You will notice that the right side of the dress seems to have a black line. This is a normal artifact and it's the reason you never put something red on a green background.

yeah you're right, XGBRXXRXXRXXRXXRXXRXXXGB (oversimplification but you get the idea).  simultaneous contrast is the color theory term mike was looking for and it is also somewhat at play (in terms of adding visual excitement to the edge as well as the LCD issue).

Pixel Art / Re: Fem Fatal
« on: February 27, 2010, 01:57:51 am »
There is a very interesting effect going on with that green background.  There is a tiny tiny white line that is way smaller than a pixel like 1/8th maybe smaller and it's lining the left side of her dress.  This is happening because of the red and green close together.  I'm trying to recall what color theory said about this but I think it has to do with the eye being exhausted from looking at nearly 2 opposite colors(though that would be cyan) and it creates that outline.  Not sure if that's the effect you were going for.  Perhaps someone well versed in color theory could go into more detail.[

Simultaneous contrast...or maybe some LCD pattern issues.....either way, here, not a good thing!

Pixel Art / Re: [TREE] Elk needs help!
« on: February 26, 2010, 05:30:26 pm »
to me it doesn't look like a question of the tileset size, as you could fit a lot more using morphable tiles and probably not demanding a tree be 12/6 tiles across.  Slight changes to the tops and bases of vierbit's trees (to allow for the non-trans) would show that a system like that is not only far more versatile, but would probably use fewer tiles.

Pixel Art / Re: Fem Fatal
« on: February 26, 2010, 11:25:43 am »
I also think that as much as it's in the pose, the facial expression is taking me away from vampness.  She's got a totally generic anime, "i look like i'm teasing you in a slightly annoying, stupid and unsexy way" face.  Part of where things fall apart is that she's lacking any depth or seriousness, and you'll need one or the other at least I think.

Although I'll also say STE - that second reference is the least convincing jessica rabbit i've ever seen.  While the original sprite might suggest the attitude of a teenage boy, that model suggests the attitude uncomfortable wallpaper.  It's the top reference that really nails it.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: R0x Zero(wip)
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:03:28 am »
This is absolutely lovely stuff but I have to ask, do you really need the grid showing up SO hard, even on the black areas? What's the thinking there?

I was going to write (essentially) this same thought myself, but then i read the comments, and saw it, and was like....there ya go!

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: [WIP]-Female Anatomy-[nudity]
« on: February 23, 2010, 04:04:15 am »

Thought a few of these were lacking some volumes, so i tried to rub out a quick one with old-fashioned toolies, appologize for camera perspective issues (the page is actually drawn on a t-square so it's accurate), it's late here and i haven't put phooshop back since I formatted.

Went for something of a human-Helen, on account of average being about 7.4 heads in the USA (not sure how accurate that is...but it's enough for me).  few things are a little screwy (you can tell I just crapped things out a bit after the shoulders, torso and pelvis, which were the main concerns/interests) but you can't win them all, just trying to get a few more perspectives in here.

Pay particular attention to the tapering legs in all the good references.  I've played this up trying to get her to approach a "mothering thighs" measure of two heads across (a bit too much i think, though we were taught it); your legs try to stay along a constant width with only superficial changes and the result is a bit awkward, particularly just above the knee.

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