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Messages - Parkerbaby
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General Discussion / Re: Big boobed characters in video games
« on: April 22, 2013, 05:08:55 pm »
I said I arbitrarily picked chess to make it less offensive. If I had said IQ, it would have been more offensive.
I have done a lot of research on IQ and how it differs with race. I estimate over 70 hours of it.

And it is shocking if I had used race as the defining factor of chess standings and that is precisely why I didn't. What I said was there has never been a black world champion which is true. I will also suggest there will never be one, which cannot be determined.

General Discussion / Re: Big boobed characters in video games
« on: April 20, 2013, 07:34:01 pm »
I am being broad brushed because I am talking about on average and generalities. Yes, of course there are black players who are very good and white sprinters who are very good, but if the average of a population if considerably lower, the best just will not stack up to the best of the higher average  population.

For instance the link you posted is the first black GM in history. Could be assumed to be one of the very best in history. His rating is 2443 compared Carlsen's 2872. But, this greatest chess player comment is really arbitrary. Of course, not everyone wants to play chess at all, and it is not all about intelligence. I am just a chess fan so I picked it.

What I am implying is there are genetic differences in the once genetically isolated populations which were naturally selected for in very different environments. And the averages of the populations differ.

I feel if something is true it cannot be racist, or if it can the definition of racist must be reconsidered. I do not have these views because I am hateful or racist. I just think this is the way the world is.

General Discussion / Re: Big boobed characters in video games
« on: April 20, 2013, 03:00:02 pm »
I have done research into it. I have read many books on race and I know the arguments against my position.

Dogs are naturally selected of course, but they are still all the same species with big differences in size, shape, intelligence, athletic ability, etc after having come from a common stock.

Whether it is natural selection or artificial selection doesn't necessarily matter unless you are to believe that those differences can not come about naturally from genetically isolated populations given the right stimuli. All evidence points to the fact that they have for certain traits in humans.

If there is ever a white fastest man in the world or a black world chess champion in my lifetime, I will give all my worldly possessions to charity.

General Discussion / Re: Big boobed characters in video games
« on: April 20, 2013, 05:49:15 am »
Races exist in a way, as in there are groups of people who were genetically isolated for long enough periods of time for the observable differences to arise. And race continues to exist just as in dogs. There is a reason blacks always win the sprints in the olympics. And there has never been a black world chess champion.

Pixel Art / Re: Oblique perspective EGA RPG
« on: March 27, 2013, 12:11:43 am »
To me the bear seems like it is out of perspective. I don't know if it really is, though. It gives that impression because it looks like it could almost be in a side scroller as is. My mind keeps wanting to rotate it in 3d space.

 I am afraid to even attempt to edit it because this perspective scares me.

Also, I really love the art so far!  :y:

Pixel Art / Re: Help making a puddle
« on: March 26, 2013, 10:13:25 pm »
Your last edit makes it clear it's a puddle, so you've accomplished that part.

This is just an idea for another direction you could go with it:

Pixel Art / Re: Second Portrait Attempt
« on: December 15, 2012, 10:12:45 pm »

This is obviously a very sloppy edit, but I think the most important thing to focus on is getting readability. Find the features of him that define him and accentuate them. Try to move from typical man to individual Hamm. Also, be bold in your contrast for features.

Pixel Art / Re: Small humanoid alien walking animation (for a WIP game)
« on: August 25, 2012, 04:10:20 pm »
I would drop the head turning. In my opinion it ruins otherwise good animations more often than not. It is, of course, also completely unnatural.
Head turning makes me think he is walking alongside a long line of naked women so with each step he furtively glances in that direction and quickly regains focus forward.

Also, you said you forgot about the body bounce.
You should try to not think of it as the body bounce, but rather think of it as absolutely necessary to keep the correct proportions of the legs. When legs bend the absolute height of the head has to decrease or the body would grow longer midstep.

Overall I really dig the style, though.

Pixel Art / Re: Mini animation, having troubles with it
« on: July 04, 2012, 03:09:27 am »

This is a quick edit just to give general ideas. Directly contact there is a point when legs are splayed out at a rather wide angle with a toe pointing down and a toe pointing up. Also, I felt the shoulders could move more dramatically from one side of the body to the other.

In the reference I posted you can see at the extreme points in the cycle, the base of the girl's arm covering her upper back from being visible while at the other extreme it is covering part of her chest.

Pixel Art / Re: Mini animation, having troubles with it
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:43:22 am »

It is important to reference life when possible, I think. This girl's body moves when she walks. Her body is higher up when her legs are vertical straight under her than when her legs are bent at an angle. A bent leg must give up some ground to a straight leg.

Also, the torso moves when walking. With the current animation, the arm stretches one way from a fixed position and then comes back and stretches the other way. Allow the shoulders to move a pixel or a two with the arms to show slight rotation.

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