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Topics - Ryumaru
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General Discussion / Unpaid art tests: Your thoughts
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:00:51 am »
Hey all, I was just recently in a situation where I was asked to do an art test ( after showing my portfolio of course)

I'm not particularly fond of the idea; after all, time is money; but what do you guys think?

For those working in the industry as freelancers, do you often get asked to do art tests? How long do you spend on them if you do? Do you get compensated after the fact if you happen to get the job?

Pixel Art / Fundamentals of fire?
« on: January 13, 2015, 03:18:15 am »
I've always struggled with fire; I can't act it out like I can for character animation, nor do I know of any fundamentals to make it move fluidly and logically. Do you guys have any forumulas or helpful tutorials? inspirational gifs? Tips/ tricks or knowledge to share on the behavior of it's movement?

The torch is oh too common in games and it's whats giving me trouble today:

Pixel Art / Castle Fade: Animation
« on: August 25, 2014, 06:05:10 am »
Hey Everybody. You guys might remember a little thread I posted for gbjam- a question regarding circular platformer staircases. ( Thanks for all the replies!)

 We ended up not making the deadline for GBJam, but we are still going to make the game! You can see it's project page on gamejolt:

Anyways, the animations were of course rapidly done and mostly half assed, but part of that is because I still don't have the knowledge to whole-ass animation. I will update this thread with animations as I come by them, and I am asking for critique on any and all of them! I would still like to keep frame counts low, perhaps 6-8; currently I basically only know how to structure 4 frame walk/run cycles

 So I'm working on a game for gbjam, and I am stumped as to how to proceed with something I'd like included in the game: a circular corridor with a winding staircase that the player would traverse. I feel like it's been done before, but I can't remember where I saw it.

Does anyone know of how I could proceed with with this? I don't exactly know how movement would be shown while also generally keeping the character in the same spot.

here's how much you would see on screen at one time

and an early sketch of what the background might would look like?

For this challenge, we will especially be focusing on the limitations of the gameboy and it's 4 color grey palette. Whatever revamps you make should include a version with these 4 colors, as well as a palette swap that introduces hues you find pleasing.

If you are having trouble deciding what to revamp, how about tackling some of the pivotal screens of the game? Such as the battle screen, overworld, or the pokedex

Here is a rundown of the limitations:
- 4 grayscale hues ( black, 35 brightness, 65 brightness, white)
- 4 palette entries per 8x8 tile
- 3 palette entries per sprite ( with 1 reserved for transparency)
- 160x144 screen size




Here is an example of my pokedex revamp:

HARD MODE: Think you could recreate the entire pokemon world in this amount of tilespace?

wiki says that these are the palettes available for gameboy games being played on the gameboy color:

Commercial Critique / Commercial Critique - Pokemon Red/Blue
« on: May 24, 2013, 08:37:14 am »
Attention all pokemon masters! This time around we'll be taking a look at the games that started a cultural sensation that remains popular and is even releasing a 6th generation later this year!

Game: Pokemon (red and blue version)
Platform: Gameboy
Developer: Gamefreak
Publisher: Nintendo

Pokemon is an rpg that is the hallmark of many a childhood; exhibiting charming but less than optimized graphics on the gameboy handheld system. With a resolution as tiny as 160x144 and only 4 shades to use ( note: the gameboy color hardware allowed for injecting some palettes into the original greyscale pieces) concerns of readability and priority are of chief concern. What it lacks in masterful pixel work it makes up for by excelling in these categories. But is there a reason we can't have our pokecake and eat it too?

You can use the visual boy advance for emulation of this game ( on mac I prefer kiGB) and there's plenty of videos and such spread across the internets, it IS pokemon afterall! Better yet, whip out your old gameboy, find some AA's and annoy your parents by turning up the evolution music at the dinner table.

General Discussion / OUYA- The indie developer's dream
« on: July 11, 2012, 10:54:36 am »

I'm cautiously impressed and excited by this. Backers have already doubled the original goal, and with nearly the rest of the month to go there is time for a good deal of extra funding that will serve to better the product.

I'm also optimistic of what this could do for pixel art games, as well as well designed games in general.

What do you think, pixelation? ;D

What was your workflow like? or rather, how did you prioritize the creation of game assets? I'm asking for insight on how to go about work on my current project: Entropy ( and deadbird when I can get around to it) so those who have done projects single handedly, your opinion is especially valuable, but I'm open to anybody's thoughts really.

I figure that if I actually want this to be made, there should be at least some order to how I go about these things.

Also any tips and tricks you guys have found to speed up your process, either technical or conceptual, or any other miscellaneous bits of wisdom you may have are welcome! As this project has been my biggest foray into animation I fear that by the time I'm done animating everything, I may feel the first animations are sub par to the latest ( this will inevitably be true if the likes of pixel piledriver keeps dropping wisdom bombs on my thread)

Pixel Art Feature Chest / GR#195 - Project Entropy - Gameart, Conceptart
« on: January 17, 2012, 03:48:14 am »

I'm currently in a class entitled " Alternative media exploration" the purpose which is for painters like me to explore other conceptual ways of relaying a message through photography/ film/ installation etc.  Over break I had been entertaining the idea of a game dealing with philosopy/ the universe with game boy color aesthetics- while also exploring paradoxes and illusions such as schrodingers cat and the impossible staircase as " glitches" in reality.

I had thought about creating animated " glitched" images of some bosses for the game as part of an installation when an online friend said he would be interested in programming a playable demo to be part of the installation; so here we are.

I have animations of the main character but I create them in game maker for mac which does not export as a .gif. I may post the strips later and anybody who wants can compile them for critique.

Right now everything is in gameboy green monochrome, but eventually the assets will get a pass of full color- the environment will progress through various palette limitations- from black and white to full ( 4 colors per tile) color.

Impossible staircase:

Schrodinger's Cat ( sketch):

Omega ( a recurring character of mine):

Void ( another recurring character that will personify black holes in game):

The installation critique is in 2 months so hopefully by that time there will be a playable demo including most of this content

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