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Messages - Stickman
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General Discussion / Re: A question on "Style"
« on: October 01, 2009, 05:06:05 pm »

But otherwise, I don't believe your style will ever be condensed as long as you're trying out new things, as opposed to doing the same thing over and over with only a change in subject.

I suppose the best way to sum this all up is, not that you lack a distinct style, but possess many different styles, that are only defined by your work methods and tools.

That's a very interesting thought. The first point I've always recognized, but the last point is something that I never really thought about.

I think this could probably explain a lot of things in my approach when working with pixels. I'm extremely slow and constantly changing the work flow, which many times ends up vastly different from the original concept. I can easily spend a solid 3 days - and I'm talking 12 hours a day - on a competition involving a pixel size of 320 x 240. (Sexy Beast and Temporary relaxation are example of this). Or even the smaller ones will be guaranteed to keep me busy for a minimum of 2 days (Return From Lambeth Palace and Trust In Me are prime suspects).

It's a real tricky one. I remember coming out of animation college and going to interviews and being told that they weren't to sure what to do with me. Whether to put in me in 2D, Traditional 3D or computer 3D. Which would then transpire to "Your work is more disney" or "Your work is more Manga" to "Aahhh, so you do experimental animation...".

I suppose the most important thing is whether you feel you are improving or not. If your constantly changing styles and approach, it can be tricky to evaluate. (although I think I may have improved on using colours somewhat...)

General Discussion / Re: A question on "Style"
« on: October 01, 2009, 04:34:50 am »
Aaahh that's interesting. I've looked at your work on the joint and apart from the self portraits, I wouldn't look at a picture of yours and say "Yup...that's a Helm pic".

I haven't had anyone say to me that I have a style of my own in art work - though I sometimes get this comment in the animation work that I do (until they see my showreel that is).

General Discussion / A question on "Style"
« on: October 01, 2009, 03:13:27 am »

I don't post on this forum very often, but I joined this site and Pixeljoint around 2 years ago. I earn my living as animator. I initially started off as a 2D animator but the jobs became scarce and so I moved into 3D.
Back then when I used to draw frequently, I was always mixing different media's such as building 3D sets from cardboard and then animating in 2D, cutting out the frames and then placing them within the 3D set (laborious and exciting at the same time), or mixing other media's.

The thing is...I've recently been looking at my gallery and there doesn't really seem to be a style that actually runs through.(Well at least I don't think there is). Although I don't have a problem with this as I enjoy taking different directions, I sometimes wonder if that can be detrimental in the long run (I'm in my 30's).
I look at the work on this site, Pixeljoint as well as others and there's many times when you can put the artists name to the picture instantly. I also see that persons style develop more and more, getting better and more refined.
So I was wondering about the users of this forum what the/their general consensus on style is.

Pixel Art / Re: C64 Clown challenge
« on: February 07, 2009, 09:51:06 pm »
Another update:

Pixel Art / Re: Walking Sprite
« on: February 07, 2009, 01:56:37 pm »
Hey there,

is it possible for you to paste the sequence of each frame as that would also help for us to see what needs to be fixed.
At the moment, the legs pick up quite high in front and flicker. It would definitely help if the drawing your using has some volume to it, rather than just a stick figure, as it will prove a pain to clean up when adding character to it. There's also a possibility that you would have to re-animate it.

Just saying this to avoid you having to do too much extra work:)

Pixel Art / Re: C64 Clown challenge
« on: February 07, 2009, 03:31:39 am »
Update! Any better? (It's now 3am and I really should be getting bed...)

Pixel Art / Re: C64 Clown challenge
« on: February 07, 2009, 12:16:57 am »
Aaaahhh...thanks a lot guys. I see what you mean about the AAing and that's something I will have to work on. I also didn't realise about the banding problem.  :)

To be honest with you, I would rather that it would be anatomically correct as much as possible in regards to drawing hands, as that is an area that is important for me to improve on.

I initially wanted to avoid the use of dither, but your idea for the motion blur would work so much better with it. A shadow on the wall for the blurring pie is another thing I'll try giving a go.
As for the leg...I'll try and figure out what's uncomfortable about it and do a retouch.

I'm really hoping I have time to make these valuable changes :)

Cheers guys!

Pixel Art / Re: Portrait style dilemma [WIP]
« on: February 05, 2009, 07:18:21 pm »
That looks really nice, but as you said she does look older. Just be wary of changing stuff too much as you may have to extend it to the other portraits you have done (if you have other portraits that is....)

Pixel Art / Re: Portrait style dilemma
« on: February 05, 2009, 05:20:41 pm »
I say keep the old one. For some reason, I find the eyes on the new one a little strange, as I don't know where she is supposed to be looking.

Pixel Art / Re: C64 Clown palette challenge
« on: February 05, 2009, 03:37:04 pm »
....was having trouble trying to upload... :-[

Oh..and for anyone wondering why the C64 restrictions aren't used, it's because the competition states that it's not required. It's more of a palette challenge.

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