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Topics - laladriel
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Pixel Art / Ground tiles - and in the future more tiles
« on: November 03, 2020, 03:35:30 am »
I am making tiles for upcoming game  :P and I need a little bit of  fresh air. Sides are ok I think, but the upper part is bad. Wanted maybe some crack, on top and clay edge, that didn't go well.

Maybe its compatible with Chasm style ground? We really adore Dan Fressler's style... I will have to give it a try, but I have to fix those horizontal ground and slopes as well :o

We wanted more slopes, like 1x1, 2x1 and maybe 3x1 angles, but it will be probably a lot to do by only myself and we really want more biomes too, not counting monsters and some custom pieces for  every lvl, etc.

Someone have some ideas, how to make it look nicer? I will post updates.

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