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Messages - cels
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Pixel Art / Re: Lizardman - please critique
« on: May 24, 2021, 11:42:06 pm »
Amazing improvement.

Nobody has said anything about this but the lighting on the farthest foot looks a bit weird to me. Am I seeing this wrong? Maybe I'm just confused about the geometry.

Pixel Art / Re: Some characters
« on: May 24, 2021, 01:24:09 am »
That is glorious and exactly what I needed!  :y:

To be continued.


I did like the look of the helmet tilted back, but it didn't feel quite right for what I'm trying to do here. Uh, and I need to fix that banding.

Pixel Art / Re: Barbarian sprite with NES specs [WIP][C+C]
« on: May 24, 2021, 12:29:05 am »
In my opinion, this animation lacks the fluidity, energy and realism of your other animations.

Obviously this comes down to preference and what kind of gameplay you have in mind, but I think I would do one of two things.

A: If the point is to make the character move underneath objects or incoming attacks while moving forward, I would do a slide instead of a roll. Yeah, it's kind of Titanfall / Mirror's Edge and was super cool 10 years ago, but I just think it's more fun and dynamic. Crouching down and then rolling in a tight ball on the ground like a kid at gymnastics class or like a slow Sonic the Hedgehog would not be my first choice. You can do a sprint straight into a slide and get some really good 'flow' for the player. Something like this:

B: If you can afford the tiles and you want a more realistic and dynamic roll, I would do something like Unworthy (EXAMPLE) or like a judo forward roll (LINK), where the character isn't first crouching down and then tucked into a tiny 8x8 cannonball, but rather hurtling forward in a huge arc, rolling over his shoulders while legs are relaxed and slightly extended, instead of tucking the knees under his chin. Looks more appealing and feels better in terms of gameplay, I think.

Sorry if my feedback comes across as unhelpful or harsh, I guess this is a pet peeve I didn't realize I had. Crouching and rolling in 80's games. But at least you're not doing the crouching bunny hops of Prince of Persia. God help you if you do that.  :yell:

PS: I'm not doing an edit because I'm a bit pressed for time and it may be pointless if your reaction is simply: "Yeah, no, I prefer the way I envisioned it". Which is entirely your prerogative, needless to say.  :)

Pixel Art / Re: Some characters
« on: May 23, 2021, 06:32:49 pm »
Thanks, guys! Super super helpful! I've tried to find a good compromise between your edits, my idea and the reference.

@fskn: You may be right about adding too much detail vs using larger clusters. I notice I'm gradually adding more and more detail, especially if my reference is fairly detailed. I don't think the grey on the bottom skirt works that well, at least not on my screen. Could be a calibration issue. Other than that, there's a lot of great changes in your edit. Btw, I totally forgot to fix the head of my queen before, which I've come back and done now. Totally slipped my mind.

@SeDiceBisonte: Well, I'm only coming up with some of these character designs. The rest I'm just copying from the internet and maybe changing a few colors. But that's ok - at this stage I need references in order to learn :-[

Good idea to google Bavarian dress! I should have included my reference, you can find it HERE. It might explain some of my weird choices and possibly reveal my mistakes. I'm not sure that I've captured her leg position correctly.

You made a lot of great changes and as you can see below, I tried to incorporate several of them. Cheers!

I can't quite figure out how to make the gesture of the 'berzerker' with axe and sword look more powerful and determined, rather than agile and sneaky. I'm trying to do THIS and not getting it right. Partially perspective, but there's probably something else that I'm missing.

Pixel Art / Re: Lizardman - please critique
« on: May 23, 2021, 02:55:02 pm »
Some examples you may find helpful, if you're not already familiar with them.

It's possible to use the some of the same colours for near and distant limbs and/or keep a very restricted palette.

I'll leave it to the others (like SeinRuhe) to explain it, I just like to imitate other people.  :-[

Pixel Art / Re: Lizardman - please critique
« on: May 23, 2021, 08:46:12 am »
cels - thank you for advice - the texturing tips are good. I tried adding sort of a wire frame with a multiply layer, but it looked very cluttery. This way is much nicer. As for the legs, I see mine are a bit cluttery, I tried to get across some sort of texture, but I wasn´t sure what I was doing. However, the big high light on the knee looks a little big to me. I sometimes try cut these up in the way I did on the shoulder, but not sure what gives a better effect. Is it generally better to stick to big, more simple shapes in terms of lights like those?
For the back leg and hand.. would it also work to lighten up the back hand?  You are right about the imbalance currently :D

It seems like you've rolled double sixes and received feedback from 3 very talented people, so my best advice is to listen what they have to say first. Having said that, I definitely think it's easier to start with big and simple shapes before very slowly adding more texture. At least until one has a lot of experience. The other edits are far better than mine when it comes to shading and details on the knee, etc but I agree with SeinRuhe's advice of focusing on big shapes first.  :)

For the back leg and hand, it does work to lighten up the back hand. However, brightness (making closer objects brighter), hue (warm vs cold colors) and contrast (high contrast on near objects) are very standard ways of creating depth for this type of sprites / characters. It makes it easier to immediately recognize which parts are closer and which parts are further away. But it's also a form of exaggeration and you can decide to have equal brightness, hue and contrast on all limbs if you prefer. (However, I definitely agree with what the others are saying about being specific about light sources, no matter what you decide)

Pixel Art / Re: Some characters
« on: May 23, 2021, 01:25:31 am »
Phew! Once again, thanks for taking the time! Here's what I've got:

- Tried to improve the pennant and get the whip action going. I may have gone too far? But I think it's ok.
- Didn't want to do the ripples because the perspective of the foreground is kind of a bit funky and I didn't want to draw attention to it. But now that I've done it, I actually like it and I feel like I learned something from it. So thanks for encouraging me. Unless it now looks ugly, in which case FML.
- Still need to fix the ripples.
- Great edit of the cheese chest! I immediately felt really stupid when I saw your edit. How did I not think of that, when I'd been looking at wood panels as a reference? Anyway, I love your edit and I think I've come as far as I can without 100% copy paste. Hard to avoid when there are so few pixels.
- Thanks for feedback on sword and gauntlet. I forgot all about that gauntlet.
- Softened the highlights on the top of the chest.

To do:
- Fix the trees.
- Fix the water ripples.
- Bring back the golden animation on the chest. (Btw, reference HERE  :P)
- Double the frames from 18 to 36 again in order to even out the knight's head movement. He looks really nervous now. Which is funny, but not intentional.
- Sleep, at some point. Maybe.


No sleep for me. Check, check and check. Trees are still a bit cartoony, but better.


And here's another female commoner. I'm kind of struggling with how to do complex fabric folds at this scale without making it too noisy and harsh, and having too much banding. There are so many not-quite-parallel lines of shadow and highlight running down her dress to make the folds and layers. It ends up being either banding or noisy, I think.
Any advice, pixel smiths?

Pixel Art / Re: Lizardman - please critique
« on: May 22, 2021, 10:56:41 pm »
fskn's edit is good.  :)

Personally, I feel that it's a bit odd to have the furthest hand darkened to indicate distance (because i don't see how it would be in shadow) and not do the same with the furthest leg. I know that the torso is twisting, but still.
I would also suggest that you try to reduce noise and gather clusters in a way that accentuates its crocodile scales. Use lines that wrap around the shapes, curving different ways depending on the angle. This will both help establish texture, form and three-dimensionality.
I'm also wondering if you really want/need those sharp outlines on everything. It's kind of hard to give the spikes proper shading with dark outlines. Fskn's edit helps, but the dark edges on the bright spikes kind of hide the light source instead of indicating it properly. At least in my eyes.

Take my opinion with a line of salt.

Forgive the crappy edit, made in haste. I hope it is enough to get the point across.

Pixel Art / Re: Barbarian sprite with NES specs [WIP][C+C]
« on: May 22, 2021, 06:51:29 pm »
Ah, that's interesting! Thanks for the detailed explanation. It'll probably make it easier to understand where you're coming from.

I'm not sure I'll ever want to work with such extreme (by modern standards) restrictions, but I suppose it will be very rewarding when you finish this. Did you already find the basic gameplay parameters that you're happy with? Movement speed, attacks, jumping height, etc? Are you playing the game already in a 'white box' stage? Might be difficult to adjust certain things if you've already done the animations.

Pixel Art / Re: Some characters
« on: May 22, 2021, 04:40:31 pm »
I can animate different layers independently in Asesprite, but I think I'm stuck with manually adding or removing frames from the animation of individual layers in order to make them speed up or slow down.

On the top of my list right now is:
- Make the trees move more smoothly in the wind, less boxy / cartoonish animation.
- Improve the halberd pennant flowing in the wind, try to make it smoother.
- Maybe add an animation of wind blowing across the grass. Fuck it. Ain't nobody got time for dat.
- Maybe add some tiny ripples to the water. Done. Kind of.

Still very open to feedback regarding the water animation, characters, colors, textures - whatever, really. Also, I need to make this chest more wood-like and less chocolate-like.


Does this work? Or do the ripples give you a seizure? Apart from the uneven and glitchy movement, I mean.

36 frame version just to space out the loops a bit. Still the same issues tho.

EDIT: Less chocolate. Is it wood though?

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