That being said, you can make the feet smaller and slimmer (and the hand holding the staff slimmer too) to emphasize she's still delicate underneath all the muscles.
Are you still talking about girl on bottom side? In this case I'll have to rework all the other animations too (where girl looks in other directions and does other movements, like spell casting)! It's too wasteful, I don't have much time for this project! I'm not just drawing pictures, but doing leveldesign too. And also I have 5734L3R! No way!
Anyway, thanks for such constructive thoughts, I still will make some changes following your ideas near days.
things I did: changes to the face, some tweaks to her Tracts of Land, slightly rounded-out the top edge of her hips/thighs
Haha, I created a completely the same face on early stage!

It seemed too creepy and rough, so that's why I made it more round and more younger.
And I tryed larger breast size, but it's too much for me. I like to think that her breasts are in tight corset, so they are somewhat squizzed.
I'm going to strongly disagree with the advice given here to merely emphasize breasts and waist as indicators of femininity for this lady. That's a very limiting view.
I think it will be a good contrast. The main character (I mean girl on bottom) is thin, she is a fragile and young girl. Here is her portrait for dialogs:

And on the contrary, the demoness has curvy, voluptuous forms. She is a mature woman and has seen many things in her life, so it's kind of conflict of generations. I think it's a good way to create characters contrast.
And thanks for jewelry idea, I'll try it for next boss character!
I think the shoulders are the key thing here. Eriophora's edit is very effective, imho. The wasp waists above were making her look non-humanid to me.
Yeah, I tried to reduce the height of her shoulders by one pixel down as on Eriophora's edit and it helped! So thanks to Eriophora again!

So here is the new pictures:

The first one (the left one) is old version, it's just for comparison. On next one (middle one) I changed the shadow under demoness and made small edits on girl's sprite. In particular I changed the movement of her hand.
On right picture the old shadow and I didn't change the movement of girl's hand.
Also another small fixes on body and hair of demoness. I fixed breasts and dress movement, and hands of demoness are different on both new pictures. What do you think guys, what better?