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Messages - Fickludd
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Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: [C+C] generic soldier + tiles
« on: November 10, 2011, 08:37:01 am »
Wow, that was a quick and great edit =).

For the readability, I don't want a specular on the helmet since i imagine it being quite dull (cloth more than metal). Instead i've just tried pushing the highlight color.

Redid the face as well, better? I like the one pixel eyes, but i think they look at the camera as opposed to along the ground, which bugs me a bit in this perspective.

The ground needs work for sure - cracks, derbis and broken walls coming up!

Pixel Art Feature Chest / GR#078 - Generic Soldiers + Tiles
« on: November 09, 2011, 07:52:15 pm »
I happened to play a game on kongregate which was a blunt copy of the good old Incubation. That got my brain rolling for a bit, so I've mocked up some soldier and a couple of tiles for a turnbased squad-tactics game in some city.

Ok, grid size is 16x16, sprite size 16x24, size refs are obviously ffVI

So any feedback would be great - palette, design, readability, anatomy... yeah. I'm gonna try animating the sprite (walking, firing standing and lying and crawling).

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: AdventureGame Mockup
« on: November 02, 2011, 12:22:51 pm »
That's pretty neat - is it a perlin noise based generator or some other algorithm?

@Ryumaru - I thing the idea is to only mark the locations of the trees by placing the stumps. My guess is that game characters will appear above everything on this layer, and tree tops will be generated randomly with another algorithm on yet another layer, so they appear above game characters (and eventually can become invisible to reveal what's underneath).

So yeah, cool stuff!

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: AdventureGame Mockup
« on: October 27, 2011, 07:39:52 pm »
First of all I REALLY like this piece, and most of all the autumny colors - it's just like that outside in sweden at the moment (well not right now on account of it being night times =)).

Regarding the girls face I much prefer your version to Tourists. For some reason all the reference pictures posted are of models/moviestars, which I often find generically pretty and uninteresting! Whereas yours has much more of an arty personality. The other portraits are great as well.

Maybe as Ryumaru says you should fix the darkest color on the tree (bleeds because it's too dark), and in my opinion the red is just a little too saturated as well (but just a little - I didn't notice it until i zoomed in a bit and was shocked at how red it really was). What is the target resolution of the game?

Pixel Art / Re: [C+C] Robo tactics tileset + sprites
« on: August 17, 2011, 09:34:15 pm »
I feel like there needs to be more distinction between the various "classes" of robots. Right now it's easy to confuse the four or five of them that exist, and that'll be a problem in-game (although, to be fair, you are pretty restricted by your tile size). Perhaps try making it so that each robot has a stripe of its team color, rather than the whole thing. That'll allow you to play more with the shape and form of the thing.

You're doing a wonderful job.

Thank you!

At first I was didn't believe I could add a mid-value neutral color to the units because it's hard to get good readability vs. both the backgrounds. However, a red-tinted grey worked out pretty well - striping them up made the units more interesting as well as hopefully differentiating them more?

Also added front and back views to the rest of the units, new larger badass robo and the final transport ship whole + wrecked.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Game graphics - Reprisal / RTS ...
« on: August 17, 2011, 04:54:37 pm »
Hey, very cute and likeabe style!

ptoing and pistacho made some great points that I definitely want to agree on. In addition I would suggest swapping the green shadows on the trees for something less saturated - specially on the purple trees if you're gonna keep them =).

Again, I think you've done great so far - looking forward to playing it!

Pixel Art / Re: "Dream Girl" NES character CC
« on: August 15, 2011, 08:46:04 pm »
Cute character, I like how the hair is asymmetrical to give a sense of depth.

I don't know what the NES color restrictions are or how the palette work, but I'm feeling that the white for the eyes is sort of wasted because it's way close to the skin color to be readable (at least on my screen). As said, I don't know what options you get, but maybe dropping the skin color value a bit would help.

To me her body language reads as surprised, dancing, anxious or maybe nailed to the wall. Perhaps you should switch it up to better fit some of the emotions.

What kind of setting is going on btw, would be awesome with something Alice in Wonderlandy =)

The walking animation looks good, but I think the running animation is going slightly too fast?

With the colors I thought the update two colors are the best. The scarf is a good idea, but having it in pure white takes focus from the face which I think you want to avoid. In update 3 I think the legs might be too dark, though this depends heavily on the world he will be placed in as Olothontor says. If he's going into dark places like caves or dungeons (not very unlikely heh?) it might get hard to distinguish his legs. 

* Scrapped the previous units, since visibility was shit even at 2x.

I was just about to comment on the difficulty of making readable units with so many different tiles and couldn't find your units =). Anyway I think the mockup looks very promising and nice tower. The best thing about hex tiles must be that even though the tower is so tall it doesn't obscure the two tiles behind it, that's just great!

Wow, I'm a bit amazed actually. Gonna digg into this bad boy closer a some point to look a your technique =).

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