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Messages - Rosse
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Pixel Art / Re: just Rat now... (still v3 + Paintover)
« on: November 26, 2008, 09:33:48 am »
Hey Rosse, cute sprite

The only issue I have with it, is that the front leg seems kind of disconnected from the body. It is difficult to see his pose because of that. I believe I created another problem or two in this edit, but sort of solved the disconnected leg problem, at least enough so you can understand what I mean.

All I really did was reduce the lighting on his front leg, so it looked more connected to the rest of the body.

Thanks, I see what you mean. The leg looks really disconnected, but I kinda like how "it goes into the space". I tried to paint the problem:

Your version looks less interesting but correct illuminated, while my version looks disconnected and wrongly illuminated. I think a hybrid version between the two would be the best. Any ideas how to achieve this?

Pixel Art / Re: just Rat now... (v3)
« on: November 24, 2008, 06:46:35 pm »
Thanks for your critiques. I know criticize such a small sprite is hard, but I'm thankful for every small crit.

some parts of the tail and the hear need more curves work.
I tried to adress your crits. I'm not sure about the tail. I think it's better but I'm not sure how to make it more curvy. I don't want to AA into the background (it's a sprite), and I think I need the negative space to show it's a tail (seperate it from the body). Any ideas to solve this problem?

I made a slightly palette change, not sure about it too.

new <-> old

I don't mind nitpicks, please help me with this small sprite. It's very hard to be objective about the own work when working that long at a single piece.

Pixel Art / just Rat now... (v2)
« on: November 22, 2008, 03:06:22 pm »
I throw the idea with the ape/rat hybrid away and made it to a rat only (kinda)

Currently, it looks more like a squirrel. Mostly, that's because of the tail. Apes have short stubby tails, while rats have pink, furless tails. Rats also tend to have red eyes, though red eyes usually signify villains in video games, so that depends on what you want him to be. Apes also have much broader, blockier bodies. They also tend to have short necks and hunched shoulders... right now the arms seem to connect at the waist.
Yes, you're absolutely right. My first problem was my wrong idea about a "ape". There are primates, and what I had in mind was a chimpanzee. And those doesn't have any tail at all. When doing a image next time I really should use reference pics when not knowing how something looks like.

I definitely thought it was a squirrel at first glance due to the head and tail. Rodent qualities. I thought your leg placement and color choices needed the most work, so In my edit I offer some suggestions on lightening up your palette while showing you what i thought the leg should look like. It currently looks like he is trying to squat to go to the bathroom or is a stuffed animal just kind of sitting there.

Even with my quick 10 minute edit, there are still some issues with anatomy and whatnot, but I wanted to give you my impression of your cute critter. Can't wait to see some updates :)

HOpe this helps.
Thanks for your edit. I hope I have the problem solved with the unclear animal form and everybody sees a rat now. Your palette is much brighter, but I'm not sure how to do it correctly. I kinda like the nearly black outline. It makes it look unrealistic, cartoon-like. But I'm still not happy with the colors. Maybe the shading is the main problem?
About your altered posture. It's more realistic for a rodent, but I intended a more cartoony look (didn't mentioned it, sorry). With the unnatural posture I tried to give it a more personal posture. It should be a real character and not just a generic rodent. I'm not sure if I achieved that, tho.
new <-> old

(8 colors now)

Challenges & Activities / Re: Palette Workshop Challenge
« on: November 21, 2008, 04:06:01 pm »
Once there were people who laughed at him... they're all history by now.

Pixel Art / just Rat now... (revamp)
« on: November 21, 2008, 01:41:16 pm »
Hi fellow pixlers

I did this sprite with a ape/rat hybrid in mind, but didn't work well. I thought rat head, ape body. Didn't use any references, tho :(

Things I'm unsure:
- ape body?
- colors. Neither monkey nor rat it seems. Any ideas?
- highlights or not?
- rear leg, position?

(currently 7 colors, max. 8 intended)

I hope you can help me with this small varmint.

History (old to new):

One useful feature would be a view-mode where you can select "normal" and "gray-mode". In "gray-mode" your image is displayed in grayscale, but the color itself is preserved. In programs like ProMotion or Photoshop, you must alter all your colors to gray to achieve a grayscale image. When you want your colorful image back, you have to undo your altered colors (or Palette in ProMotion). For that reason it's useful to have kind of a grayscale preview, which you can even pixel on and you can switch from "normal" (colorful) to "gray-mode" on the fly (colors are preserved while pixeling).

General Discussion / Re: Welcome Jad to the mod team!
« on: November 18, 2008, 08:08:22 pm »
Quote from: Helm said
Let it be on the record that I detest Jad and his.... niceness  >:(



Archived Activities / Re: Secret Santa 2008 - Sign up
« on: November 16, 2008, 09:51:33 am »
I'm in!

I like:

- Hayao Miyazaki (especially Nausicaa)
- Nature vs. Men themes
- Pessimism
- Nihilism (some aspects)

And wrapping nr. C5 looks fine.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: October 14, 2008, 05:24:52 pm »
Composition wise I think this blog may can help you. I've read some post yesterday and today and there are lots of interesting posts about composition and links to people who are great in compositions (mostly animation and film). - begin with the old posts (2006), it's totally worth it!

Pixel Art / Re: WIP guy with hammer
« on: October 14, 2008, 07:37:59 am »
When looking at this animation various things occurred to me.

Your animation has much more power now, but the character lacks in life, it looks stiff. That is because he doesn't use his whole body to move the "heavy" hammer. I tried an edit to increase his body movement to put more life into the animation (I used your old animation as a guide).

I think the animation looks more lively now, but the main problem is still there: The hammer doesn't look heavy! It reminds me of the "fake-hammer" in One Piece. It's weight looks like 5t but it's 2kg in real. The animation (body movement) itself is not the problem, just the hammer doesn't fit. To be honest, it looks more like he's playing golf.

But HOW do you make it looks heavy? Gravity! Look at your animation, but played backward (I had to delete the motion blur. Otherwise it wouldn't work).

Now you have a heavy hammer. And surprise, the timing is still the same! What do we learn here? Use the gravity to increase the power of the "slam" (and don't work against it like you do in your animation now). Just ask your own experience. Did you ever chopped wood? How did you do that? Use your axe, extend yourself, hold it as high as possible to put as much potential energy as possible and with one blow you release all energy to chop the wood.
Use your experience and natural feel to put more life into your animation and make it believable. You went a long way but you can go even further. Be persistent!

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