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Messages - evilchelu
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Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 11, 2011, 07:14:18 am »
1. COMMENTING.     I would definitely keep separate 'board events' and 'communication'. I can see your logic in combining them, but then I can also see a person wanting to see just one or the other. If you included a filter, or toggle, or something like that it might jive (you got a stream of comments and board events in just a big cascading pile, hit a button to hide either events or comments). Kinda depends on how your UI is being set up, though.

I know it's best to have all the parts and pieces laid out, and organized, before you start building anything. We seem to keep tacking on parts and pieces as we go. That's not a good way to go about it. Don't wanna end up with an unprioritized frankenstein mess - Like an old company web site from the 90's that never got a 2.0 redesign, but rather just keeps getting modified and added to. As you know, the typical result is a usability (and usually aesthetics) hazard for visitors.

LiGHTBuLB - Artist Description. Allow each artist a place to write a personal commment describing/explaing his/her tile.
Maybe only at upload time. Would you be able to modify your comments even after respective tile is uploaded? Would you need text filters for this?
Just plain text would do (no hyperlinks, formatting, etc available).
You already have a great place to put the artist description, when you click a tile and the left info bar appears. Right therr. Hide artist descriptions for still hidden tiles.

re: commenting. I'm not a big fan of options so we'll have to figure something out. We might just let reserving/uploading take a comment so they might be the same thing at some point. We'll see.

re: artist description. We had tile titles in mind, but if we end up doing the above, it might not matter anymore

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 10, 2011, 07:00:04 am »
Hey, pixel people... this is a personal appeal from that silly avatar founder of tzigla /end-wikipedia-joke :)

Pretty please grab some tiles on the checker board, it's really looking great so far and we're sad to see it stalling.

We promise we're working really hard on making tzigla more friendly and usable and we'd really really be encouraged if you'd keep using it. We're not getting anything out of all the hard work we're putting into it more than seeing people do nice tiles.

Also, this week we're starting work on brick style boards which are the intermediary step towards hex tiles. But I'm actually scared of working on that too fast since I'm afraid this board would die off and all the tiles worked so far would go to waste.

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:55:31 am »
Just add a chat on the side where you see everyone online, and can also talk to em.
What Mathias said would also work.
But a mere chatbox per collab isn't really enough. Tzigla needs something beefier. Something familiar and user-friendly. Something that encourages communication. Though, the wheel doesn't need reinvented; forums already exist. Important thing is that the means of communication is native and tightly incorporated into Tzigla itself. How to do this I cannot say, I'm no web programmer.

In the quack quack collab, when you hit a tile (I think), it says, "100px tiles with 10px of context". This is confusing. I did a tile and was somewhat confused by where to actually draw. More explicit directions may benefit future collaborators. Color the area a participant  needs to draw in as some pink or green color, instead of black. That would help to clarify a bit. The 10px outer buffer, surrounding the whole collab is a little confusing. Each edge tile has a 10px transparent side, since each chunk of art is 100x100, yet the file is 120x120px. Little odd.

How do I specify a tile? With the Hexquisite collab, each tile had a number. Does Tzigla have a provision like this? If I want to comment on a certain tile, how do I do it? Describe it's general position? Each tile should have an unique identifier.

1. Regarding commenting. Briefly, our current idea is to have latest activity (reservations, uploads, etc) mixed in with recent comments instead of the current sidebar. Also in the sidebar in another tab we'll have all current participating artists so you can click on them and highlight their tiles on the board and maybe show some more details about those tiles somewhere.

2. The 120x120 thing is for consistency. All tiles are border size + tile size + border size (edge tiles don't get special treatment), so yeah, little odd for edge tiles but not so bad. Btw, we might add wrap around boards so having edge tiles the same as the rest would help :)

3. The tile number, reference is indeed missing. With the new commenting system and revamp of UI (coming next week) we'll add ids below tiles (where you have the artist's name now). You'll then be able to just refer to a tile as #1-2, or #1,2, or maybe #67 (just a number like the hex collab) in a comment and that would be clickable and select the tile. And the other way around, we'll probably make it so you can see all comments about a tile easier and such.

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 06, 2011, 11:26:57 pm »
Thanks. And glad I helped lead you to a better solution for the idea.

LiGhTbUlB: There should be a way to instantly find a certain artist's tiles. I keep scanning over the entire thing looking for certain artists with the rollover effect to see which/how many they've done. I imagine a list of contributing artists in the UI, you can click a name and their tiles highlight somehow. Perhaps each artist name is a toggle button that highlights or unhighlights their contributed tiles. When multiple artist's names are clicked, you can keep them differentiated with randomly assigned color coding. And maybe this only works in "artist mode" (or something), which when activated places an overlay of information on the whole collab, such as name, etc. Because normally, you'd want clicking an artist's name to bring up their profile-ish info.

Ya know . . . I was going thru the last Hex Collab thread. Such a dramatic event, lotta excitement bottled up in it. But with the Tzigla thing now, the enthusiasm just isn't there. And I wonder why. There's no sense of urgency about it among participants.
I don't know exactly why, but if there was a Hex Collab 3 going on I would've already jumped in. I'm not nearly as compelled with Tzigla. Bringing this up because I suspect most feel the same way. I don't know if the Hex Collab's appeal was due to it being all handled by ptoing, a local resident admin, and it being more Pixelation exclusive, a more local thing, whereas Tzigla certainly feels like you're leaving Pixelation and going somewhere else entirely. Is it because it's squares? When I first caught wind of Tzigla, I was actually a little disappointed that a 3rd party would be handling what I perceived as a Pixelation novelty. It's like something rare, fresh, new and inventive being snapped up by a corporation, bottled and sold on shelves, in bulk. Is there a degree of that sold-out feeling? Am I just a freak? Eccentric about it. The collaborative spirit is still there, it's just not nearly as electric anymore. I would like Tzigla to have that. But since it's so intangible and hard to define, I can't tell you how to get it.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. You make some very good points and we've spent all day today busting our heads on how to fix things. We now realize we've been doing a lot of things wrong and that we didn't think enough about the people that will actually use the site.

One enlightenment in particular is that the hex collab was more about the conversation than the board (until the board was over) while tzigla is all about the board, and zero about conversation at the moment. I think this one of the main reasons for the feeling of coldness and impersonality.

The board should probably be a very tiny bit of the interface (even tho it's the actual tech behind it that makes running a collab easy) and most should be about what those people did and what they said. We were probably so proud of our collab enabling code that we forgot about making people happy :/.

We didn't realize this before your post (maybe we were in denial?) so thanks for bringing it up. We've definitely invested a few hundred hours (a lot of them instead of doing paid work, heh) so we really want tzigla to be used and loved and make life easier for collab happy people.

We'll be back tomorrow with ideas and start working on making tzigla a place for people, more than just a place for cold rules, image stitching and palette enforcing.

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: January 03, 2011, 07:07:04 pm »
Oh, got a sweet idea for you: animated final revealment. Sequential revelation. Chronological unmaskinate.
Once the thing is all done. Give an option to unhide the collab in the order each tile was submitted, or approved and added to the board. This matters, because when you view the final result in all it gestaltual glory you want to know who's responsible for that bad transition or who was brilliant enough to so seamlessly his tile so it matched the adjacents so well, etc. Plus, it's fun just to watch it unmask slowly.

Hit the links in the description I got there.

Thanks for the idea. It's already on the list :D

But thanks for bringing it up again, I just realised we can start with a way simpler version that what we had in mind! We can't do those options yet because we don't save those times (we can only guarantee creation time and last update time), but we will start saving those intermediate times soon.

ps: Your hex tiles look great, please make some for ccc64 ;)

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: December 27, 2010, 11:26:04 pm »
Ho, ho, ho!

Just deployed a new version. It contains mainly changes for not signed in users (help, better sign in texts, hints, etc) and a bunch of new texts.

It also has an even more streamlined sidebar, that manages to actually add more info in less space, yay :)

As always, see it in action at

Happy pixeling!

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: December 27, 2010, 02:38:59 pm »
Actually I think the percentage complete would be mroe useful on the main overview page showing all the boards, as once you've selected a board, it's easy enough to rollover.
Not that this severly impacts the usability or anything, tzigla is just fine the way it is. :)

I agree, it's severely lacking from the front page.

We're a bit nuts with tzigla so we think it's lacking quite a bit of usability (especially for first time users) so we'll keep working on that. We actually had 3 average joe web users try it out and found out some pretty interesting things :)

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: December 27, 2010, 02:35:06 pm »
Thanks for the compliments :)

Because of the minimal things, we took the percent out because it was not essential and had too little info (we want to bring it back with a few more stats). Other UI updates coming today, btw. Thanks for the progress bar style idea. W might implement it another way tho, maybe as a bg for the header or such.

We have two options that control the revealing of tiles:

1. never show tiles until the end, even if all neighbours are done (defaults to false)
2. always show tiles, even if neighbours are not done (defaults to false)

The C64 board has the first option set to true, which is exactly what you want, and the quack board uses the defaults, which makes the game a bit more palatable to people new to the tzigla concept. The second option allows us to support the pixeljoint style collabs (for which we still have to allow saving WIPs and rereservation of already done tiles).

As for the visibility of tiles, it would be pretty difficult to break that since we upload by default as private to amazon s3, and we only make them visible once they have to become visible (based on the logic described above). Thanks for trying tho :). We would appreciate if you find any security issues (except issues involving social engineering).

Some good changes. I like your minimal UI thinking. Though, I did like the percentage complete being visible by default; not requiring a rollover. Seems like pertinent enough info to not be hidden.

Further on the percent complete  - it would be cool if not only a number was used, but along with a numerical percentage, a progress bar (pbar) subdivided into as many segments as there are tiles total, in the collab. Segments of this pbar representing completed tiles would be a different shade than the ones representing incomplete ones. You could even use a 3rd shade for tiles currently checked out.
This pbar idea adds a nice functional visual representation of collab completness/incompleteness for all the visually-oriented people that will visit Tzigla. The difference in how left-brained and right-brained people prefer to get information can be humorous sometimes.

Are you really purposely revealing completed tiles landlocked by other completed tiles? Yikes, that nearly ruins the fun, and surely spoils any element of surprise and anticipation as the collab progresses. We dealt with this issue during the Hex Collab here. We pretty much all decided to keep it hidden, until the very end. The surprise at the end is astounding. I strongly suggest keeping everything hidden from sight until all done.

A serious web programmer friend, and myself, attempted to reveal your blacked out tiles in both collabs, and were unsuccessful, so good job. Yer doing some server-side magic to keep everything under wraps, and it works.

Familiar with the exquisite corpse site/collab, Start a Story?

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: December 23, 2010, 08:08:05 pm »
Yo homies,

We just deployed new version of tzigla on the live server. ^-^

Practically no new functionality has been added, but we worked about a week to improve the sidebar design and overall look and feel. We also added some help and texts to guide new users towards on the path of becoming a great tziglar!

Check it out at:, and especially

Happy pixeling! :B

Challenges & Activities / Re: Tzigla Rocks!!!
« on: December 16, 2010, 07:28:23 pm »
aw shoot, you know what would be great? if you made the ends loop to the other side, so you could scroll in one direction indefinitely!

In our 160 line TODO file, there are 15 lines mentioning new board types we thought of adding.

Wrap around boards is one of them and it'll most likely be the first (ok, maybe the second) one we do since it's the easiest :)

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