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Messages - MoD
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General Discussion / Re: Official Pixelation Off-Topic Thread
« on: December 19, 2006, 01:21:48 am »
I want money to be a socially acceptable Christmas gift.

Pixel Art / Re: Lineart Exchange. Because I only like doing half the work.
« on: December 19, 2006, 01:05:46 am »
Please, don't save your art as a .jpg. It turns it from pixel art to compression droppings. Your original was very nice, but it was overantialiased to the BG, making it look blurry on the edges.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] City Tileset
« on: December 18, 2006, 10:40:30 pm »
You've retrogressed here, with just a circle of lighter color near the outline whereas you had a nicely-shaded (albeit NPA) tile before. Try emulating the highlights etc present in the NPA work in your pixel art, such as placement of highlights and overall form.

Pixel Art / Re: Mecha Girl 3
« on: December 18, 2006, 10:07:29 pm »
The "antialiasing" on the legs is just a 1px buffer shade between shadow and midtone. Instead of doing that, antialias the two.

Some nice tutorials for that are:

Pixel Art / Re: RPG mockup Tile sheet
« on: December 18, 2006, 09:58:58 pm »
I really like the characters, but the trees and cliff could use some work. The cliff needs some darker shades to add depth and make it look less like a dirt path, and the trees need to be shaded according to a lightsource; now the texture is on a totally flat cutout of a tree trunk shape. Add shadows on the sides for a depth/form fix.

General Discussion / Re: programming
« on: December 17, 2006, 02:57:37 am »
Basic is all well and good, but see if your local library has any reading material on C, C# or C++. They're the way to go for application programming. The syntax is *somewhat* similar to game maker's, so if you have a grounding in that it would help.

Pixel Art / Re: holiday decorations
« on: December 16, 2006, 09:00:50 pm »
It looks very nice so far and the blue outline gives the snow a nice cold feeling, but it does contradict the grey shadow tone the snow has. I suggest bluing that grey and adding a lighter blue for shading the back of the roof and adding some more lightsourcing to the snow.

The textures are very nice, but the grass looks very out of place. Usually grass turns a brownish yellow and sort of 'dies' in the winter.

You could add some canopies above the windows for consistency and add a pathed walkway to the street where a car waits serenely, covered in snow. A tree would also look nice if you add a front yard.

General Discussion / Re: Official Pixelation Off-Topic Thread
« on: December 16, 2006, 08:50:34 pm »
I read I, Robot and the movie (I've only seen the previews) looks like it'd be an impossible stretch to fit around the book. The book is basically a series of stories about flawed logic and its effects on robots as perfectly logical beings. The book was absolutely great and it was almost like a sci-fi logic puzzle that's actually well-written. There were stories including one about a robot not believing he was created by humans, one about one or two (I don't remember which) robot transporters stuck between danger and their commands, one about a robot friend for a little girl and some others I don't recall. Very good writing though, as are all of his books. I wish my library had more of them.

Pixel Art / Re: my first mock-up
« on: December 16, 2006, 08:31:08 pm »
The first thing I notice is the huge amount of saturation everywhere. Change your palette to decrease saturation overall. Also, add some shifting of hues towards blue as you move towards the shadow tones. Increase the contrast between shades of the same color; right now everything looks very flat and 2D.

Your character is a rather boring concept. Consider sketching some stuff on paper or just doodling for ideas. Also, there are conflicting lightsources here. The grass and dirt it lit from above-right, as is the character, but the flowers are pillowshaded, the rocks are lit from the top-left, and the purple thing (define it better so the player can tell what it is) is lit from below.

Pixel Art / Re: Some side-view structure graphics for new RTS
« on: December 15, 2006, 09:40:54 pm »
Criticism or help? Can do.

First off, you can help us critique them by either making the white transparent or by making it a more neutral color. Currently the white makes all the detail you drew too dark, relatively, to see.

I notice a very unpatterned dither in the roofs of the market/bazaar and other buildings. I think shading as shingles or tent fabric would give a more realistic feeling.

You have several hues in the bazaar/market's wood, but they aren't arranged well in the palette and just jump around. Try fixing that.

A stylistic issue I notice is the presence of black lines inside the sprite. They divide it a lot and tend to draw the eye to themselves. Try using a different, but still dark tone or antialiasing them.

I like the use of gold accents, but they look perfectly yellow. Gold is a slightly more orangish color, and you could decrease the saturation there.

In the rounded sections of buildings, you do a good job of showing the lightsource but it looks like you used the noise tool there. If you didn't you used WAY too many colors. Either way, make them single-color boards and then add one or two shades with which to draw in wood texture.

I like the palette you've chosen for the stone parts and the little golden spire on the bazaar is great.

Keep working on these and your game is sure to look fantastic!

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