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Messages - magedu
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] 16x16 Witch Protagonist
« on: August 15, 2018, 07:39:39 pm »
Thanks a lot for the critiques.
I tried adding hue-shifting and better shadows. I really like how it came out!

I liked it so much I decided to enlarge it a bit, and I liked that even more!

Unfortunately I don't think I have the skill or time to fully animate the larger version for everything I need to, but I'll give it a try. Either way, the smaller version looks a lot better as well!

I'm going to try working on animating both. Let me know if you have any further suggestions for either version in the mean time.

Thanks again!

Pixel Art / [WIP] 16x16 Witch Protagonist
« on: August 15, 2018, 02:06:56 pm »
Good day, and thanks in advance for reading.

I'm currently working on a pixel platformer and am looking for advice on my protagonist.
I'm not particularly good at pixel art, but I've been looking into some tutorials and put a lot of time into this.

Eventually, I got something that I think isn't terrible, but could definitely use some work.
Here are the animations I've started so far: Idle, Walking, Death. Once I'm more confident on these, I'll be adding Dash, Jump and Spellcast animations.

Here is a very simple mockup of what the character might look like with the tile set I'm working on.

I'm mostly just looking for advice on the character herself, and this picture is just for reference.
I'd greatly appreciate any critiques, comments and advice!

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