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Messages - RoMaRo
Pages: [1]

Wow! This is awesome! You portrayed it exactly how I envisioned it and it also looks so much better! I'll be using the modified sprite as a reference from now on when I'm about to draw something else. Thank you, this really helped!

I personally think you're using too many colours for the stump, you could just settle with 3 really. Also you shaded the snail's shell so it looks a little off that you didn't shade him too. And that purple is really saturated you might want to lower that a little :)
Okay, thanks! I'll see what I can do

As I said, this is my first ever pixel art. I want to settle with this style, so it's better to hear any tips or criticism now, before settling with it and then fіnding out that I was doing something wrong this whole time in the future.

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