Challenges & Activities / Re: The Daily Sketch
« on: May 25, 2017, 04:27:09 pm »
Hey Guys, been away for a while - started various new projects and have been a bit distracted. Recently met some animation students who gave me some tips and photoshop brushes so I'm happy to say I've improved a lot. Still working on light though and form -not so great when it comes to drawing from my mind. Which is the end goal for me. Animating things would be nice too but for now here's some of the things I've worked on recently.

probs took me 3 hours - was playing with all the brushes and used curves at one point to change colours

so yeah still need to add a lot of subtlety and tone but this was a quick one

This one was a lot darker but used photoshop to make it lighter. I have a weird block when it comes to colour + tone. Find midtones hard to identify and so I think it hinders me when trying to make things for 3d
Drew this from memory:


probs took me 3 hours - was playing with all the brushes and used curves at one point to change colours

so yeah still need to add a lot of subtlety and tone but this was a quick one

This one was a lot darker but used photoshop to make it lighter. I have a weird block when it comes to colour + tone. Find midtones hard to identify and so I think it hinders me when trying to make things for 3d
Drew this from memory:
