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Messages - Sandwich
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: Pig Man Portrait
« on: February 05, 2016, 08:03:03 am »
That edit is really cool, and I see what you're getting at, the head shape is much more defined, and the color is put to better use. As a side note, the main reason I didn't fill in the arm patch on the left was because I felt like I couldn't indicate a definable icon in the small space provided.

My thought process toward color selection was honestly just stuff like "red", "tan", and "pink". I really don't know a whole lot about making colors work together well, and I knew something about the colors was odd. Couldn't really figure out what I did wrong though, so thank you for making it more clear.
I agree that I was pretty timid in terms of suggesting form, and I think this comes down to my lack of confidence in how to define forms well. For instance, I rarely feel sure of exactly how a fold in cloth should look, or how the shading should look on a person's face.

I will definitely look into GG as well.

Anyway, thanks for the advice! I'm really looking to improve, but I could never put my finger on what bothered me about my art, so I'm glad you both took the time to provide some perspective.

Pixel Art / Pig Man Portrait
« on: February 03, 2016, 10:25:29 pm »
Just made this little thing last night, wanted to see what you all think! Done in GameMaker's sprite editor. I consider this finished, but of course any critiques, comments, and edits are welcomed.

Thanks for looking!

Hi, I'm an amateur artist/animator and I'm interested in talking more about this over email if you'd like. I don't have much of a portfolio either and I'd like to gain some experience.

Pixel Art / Re: Low Detail Character Animation, Critique Welcome
« on: November 02, 2015, 11:45:25 pm »

I'm not really planning on changing these since they're fairly old (I probably should have mentioned that in my original post), but I will definitely try to keep my character movements more consistent in the future.

With the run I was trying to see if I could make a short run cycle look convincing, lol. I can definitely see that it's too slow, though.

I hadn't really thought about the colors too much, I'll keep that in mind for next time!

Pixel Art / Low Detail Character Animation, Critique Welcome
« on: October 30, 2015, 10:02:05 pm »
Here are a couple animations of mine. These were done in Game Maker. These are pretty old, so I don't plan on changing them. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think!

General Discussion / Re: Read the Rules, then introduce yourself here.
« on: October 30, 2015, 08:26:37 pm »
Hey, everybody, my name is Sandwich and I'm pretty interested in pixel art and animation, so I thought I'd join here and see about getting critique.

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