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Topics - Ürch
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Platformer
« on: May 30, 2012, 05:10:12 am »
A while ago, (Almost a year ago, in fact) I posted a mockup of a small platformer. I would like to revisit this project now that I'm on summer break, since it never took off the last time. I've started on spriting some tiles.

I'm kind of stuck on where to go from here. I know I need some more variation in the tiles to make them transition better & look less repetitive, but I don't know what the tiles should really look like. I need to make a character sprite, but i don't really know how to fit a character sprite into a 16x16 box.

I'd like criticism on what I currently have, and suggestions on where to go from here.

Pixel Art / Working on a game
« on: May 21, 2011, 01:02:01 am »

The lighter brown (solid color) tiles are placeholders, I haven't decided what kind of tile I want to put there yet. Haven't started on the character or enemies yet. The Generic Spikes of Doom are likely to be replaced with some sort of fiery thing, and the door will probably be re-done. I mainly need crit on the basic background/foreground tiles.

Pixel Art / Little ship thing
« on: March 27, 2011, 12:10:12 am »
I was bored so i made this thing.

It probably could use better colours, but is there anything else that needs work? It's meant to be a player ship in an arena-style shooter.

Pixel Art / [WIP]platformer game thing
« on: December 13, 2009, 09:54:59 am »
Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I've just working on a little platformer thing in Game Maker that at the moment doesn't really have a name. I made a mockup image of a small section of one stage/level/area/whatever.

^same picture, with the tiles seperated by blue lines^
I would like some criticism from people who know what they're doing so that i can improve on these sprites if necessary. The character isn't really animated, and i don't intend to ever do so.

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